AD fails to invite Michigan Daily to Hoke's interview

Submitted by bdsisme on

Hoke had a sit-down with reporters today. Invitations were extended to the Freep, Detroit News, MLive, Scout, Rivals, buttttt

Surprise! The Daily was not invited to Hoke's pow wow with reporters.

— Zach Helfand (@zhelfand) February 3, 2014

Shocked [ed: \s] @MattSlovin and I weren't invited to this little reporter get-together. Doesn't sound like much was said. h/t @Mark__Snyder

— Adam Rubenfire (@arubenfire) February 3, 2014

I wonder what that is about?

Clarence Beeks

February 3rd, 2014 at 10:47 PM ^

I actually would like anyone who thinks Hoke (or anyone else in the AD) needs to answer questions on this to say what Hoke should actually say. There is very little that they are legally allowed to say. That's the problem with this whole after story: Hoke can say virtually nothing by law, but the news headlines (and the comments by the Hoke haters on here) will be that Hoke refuses to answer questions. Total BS.