
January 9th, 2011 at 3:28 PM ^

I really like your post.  You are even more cynical than I am, and have put together quite a sensible and believable scenario.  I especailly take comfort in your rationale regarding Hoke.  Your point about theater is very well-taken, too.  That would make Miles even more deserable to Brandon, because of Miles' high profile.

They don't call him the 'Hat, or "mad hatter," for nothing, but that has given him a higher profile than many coaches who are better than he is.  Hiring Miles would guarantee Michigan even more publicity than it already gets.  Sometimes it would be for a terrible move that works out great, and sometimes for a terrible move that works out terrible.  But it would still be publicity.  And, as everybody "knows," there is "no such thing as bad publicity."

I still think this rationale would put Chucky first, because he is the master of generating publicity.  But the possibility of Miles seems a lot less irrational to me now than it did before.

I just hope, that by happy accident, the product on the field continues to improve. 


January 9th, 2011 at 3:25 PM ^

Looks like they can't get her down b/c of weather at the airfield. If God really hates us, we'll know soon: the flight will be re-routed to San Diego...


January 9th, 2011 at 3:36 PM ^

Whoever our new coach is, I think he should be introduced by having him parachute out of the Michigan jet onto the block M at the Big House.  In fact, DB should make it part of the interview process.


January 9th, 2011 at 4:27 PM ^

hope we get Les Miles,I don't think we would lose any players.He runs the spread and the power i.Also we could get alot of the players to reconsider there pledges.GO BLUE!!!