MSU Trustee Issues a Statement

Submitted by HelloHeisman91 on

Enough is enough. We need a just and equitable settlement where we do right by our courageous survivors. It is time that we all work together, MSU and our courageous survivors, to chart a new course forward, focused on healing rather than adversity. My statement below:

— Brian Mosallam (@Bmosallam63) April 13, 2018


April 14th, 2018 at 10:50 PM ^

Could anybody could have predicted he would be this bad? Everybody thought he would circle the wagons and be more concerned with protecting the university instead of fixing the real problems, but he has managed to create a shitshow that keeps grabbing the attention of the national media. It has reached the point that every day he remains in charge will be a bigger black eye to the university, and everybody sees it except the board.

Mr poonsniffle

April 15th, 2018 at 11:06 AM ^

Too little, too late. He says they need to hire a compliance officer to keep them in order? If you have to bring in an additional person that has morals to tell you that covering up serial rape is wrong, you have the wrong people on your board.

The entire board needs to be flushed out. Not one person stood up and said “this is wrong”. Instead they were complicit and tried to cover it up. Then they doubled down when pressure was applied.

As a side note, I find it pretty funny that Board of Trustees is capitalized. Who had such a big head that determined that this job title needs upper case letters?

yossarians tree

April 15th, 2018 at 11:28 AM ^

If it's legal for Snyder to act, then I think it's time for him to act. He should fire the entire BoT and appoint an interim. He's a lame duck anyhow and basically his legacy as Governor is already written, so he has nothing to lose. Sure some Molest U peeps are going to accuse him of screwing with them because he's a Michigan alum, but I believe many of them would also thank him. The ones who aren't full on interested in protecting Mork and the Ewok know that the entire administration has to be torn down, and they know that Snyder is the only person with the authority to do it. It would be a great way for him to go out. Replace the entire BoT.


April 15th, 2018 at 12:29 PM ^

This paragraph should be posted everywhere MSU fans are posting stuff like "Larry Nassar was a monster, but this witch hunt against the sports teams is pathetic!". Oh, and probably should be sent to Mike Valenti but he would never put it over the airwaves anyways... he's holding on playing  both sides of the fence hoping to be right either way this all breaks. Anyways, the paragraph...

""It took 20 years for people to recognize Nassar" as a sexual predator, Allswede said. "And now all his survivors, we believe and they're important. But in the next breath, it's like these other survivors who claim they were raped by athletes, they're lying.":