OT: Ann Arbor Power Outage

Submitted by LJ on

Who else is in the dark in Ann Arbor?  Losing power always makes me realize how pathetically dependant I am on the juice.  Even 30 minutes seems like an eternity.


May 24th, 2016 at 3:37 PM ^

I was driving home from work and suddenly the radio went to static.  Change channel, static.  Change channel again, STATIC AGAIN WTF

I lived in Waterford at the time and we got our power back the next morning.  Work was closed that day (Friday), so hey, 3-day weekend.

King Douche Ornery

May 24th, 2016 at 8:26 AM ^

Way to sneak in a Circle Jerk thread! Listen to all the Ann Arborites and the guys who are prepping for the Apocalypse!

MgoBlog know it all to the rescue! You just can't beat Message Board Guys with 20,000 sissy points!


May 24th, 2016 at 10:25 AM ^

Out in Seattle. Was in the process of trying to move to LA. That was crazy. Packing to move without light or heat when it is about 40 degrees out is just a total blast.


May 24th, 2016 at 12:45 PM ^

I remember being in Ann Arbor for the 2003 outage but I had a basement apartment so it stayed cool temperatuer-wise.

The longest I've ever been without was 10 days following hurricane Wilma.