
November 20th, 2015 at 11:26 AM ^

I obviously have no idea what she was trying to accomplish but again don't begrudge her in anyway for anything.  She did no wrong.  I think we agree 100% on that point.  Wanting to eliminate the video is paramount of course.  The existance of it was really the only thing that had to be handled the next day. 

I mean, if LTT had distributed the video than I would have a totally different opinion.  Send him to the damn wolves in that case.  However (other than to himself and he subsequently deleted it) that is not in the record.  I don't pretend to know the whole story, am only going off the complaint, but every indication is that when he sobered up he did the right thing and got rid of it.    

Yet he is still paying a price for the highly-charged emotional issues behind internet porn, massive duplicative media, and the horrible numbing discomfort of being exposed that you describe so well.  These are bad things, but not his problem.  

"...unfortunately the repercussions Logan is facing are a byproduct of her self-protection."  I contend that is not unfortunate, but every bit the undeserved numbing discomfort you describe reversed onto a new innocent.  

LTT should be forever responsible for any copy of the video and that should be the end of it; the cops should have given him that warning and if he had destributed it than he would live in fear.  If the video poped up somewhere then he should face the consequences.  However, without that he is being tarred and feathered WAY out of line to his actions.  In the context of the video he is being punished for the POTENTIAL of bad things happening rather than actual bad things happening.  That is not a "land of the free".

A final important point on the consent issue: let's face it, things were foggy.  I would not be defending LTT if things were more obvious.

Thank you for the intelligent discourse.    


November 19th, 2015 at 11:12 PM ^

This is odd. I have an opinion about it. I'll keep it to myself. Regardless, I hate seeing a kid blow his future over a stupid drunken night. I hope he can learn from it and avoid jail time, land on his feet and someone gives him a second chance. Wish you the best

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November 20th, 2015 at 1:42 PM ^

Read the complaint.  Not establishing consent is murky at was HER phone for heaven's sake, just how do you so easily hide that under the circumstances?  Are there passwords involved?  Anyway, bottom line, just read the complaint, envision the situation, and then think fairly rather than reactively.  

My contention is the authorities over-reacted.  I think that makes much more sense.

If he had distributed it I would have a very different opinion, but there is no real evidence there; only that it synced to her computer (and he sent it to his phone).  That is not "distribution" in any fair sense of the word.  He sobered up, he deleted it.  She should have gotten that assurance the next day and this never should have been a story. 

The Mad Hatter

November 20th, 2015 at 8:38 AM ^

And I'm not saying he was right, but I don't think he should be criminally charged.  Who's to say that the recording wasn't her idea?  They were both smashed.  Stupid shit happens when you're drunk.  This whole situation could have been solved by her deleting the video, smacking him in the face, and calling him an asshole.


November 20th, 2015 at 9:29 AM ^

I'm surprised he's being represented by Student Legal Services. I'm sure they're great, but he's looking at years of jail time if he can't get a good deal.