
August 28th, 2021 at 12:19 AM ^

I think of Henne whenever I see #7 Michigan jersey.

he was QB when I was in grad school at Berkeley.

waking up at 7am and filling my Austrian stein (it fits a 6-pack of beer) and fucking around making breakfast with the kids until 9am when the game came on … then drinking 24 beers by the time the SEC night game came on at 4:30 then blacking out at 10pm then it was the kids bed time …. man I could fucking DRINK.

Misty water-colored memories 

JWG Wolverine

August 28th, 2021 at 12:13 AM ^

Today with the Michigan Marching Band, let's go to the movies.

2005's fittingly-wacky Monty Python anniversary tribute I knew I had to post here:


2013's James Bond drama "From Ann Arbor With Love"


2016's Superheroes (feat. Sexy Sax Man):


2019's Mary Poppins show of a lifetime in memory of Maggie St. Clair (more on this show if you don't know the context):



August 28th, 2021 at 12:52 AM ^

Dragged, kicking and screaming

Just wait till basketball. Just wait till hockey.

It's still the same secondary. It's still the same QB position. It's still the same team down US 23.


There's a chill in the air. There are wings on the helmets. There are memories, stirred up by the sounds and the smells and the march of time.

And you can't help it

It is... exciting.

Football is coming.