New Mod-Ban Race Baiters Please

Submitted by Bo Harbaugh on June 15th, 2020 at 5:46 PM

New mod, calling on you to ban the racist crap on the board please.  Yes, there's a lot more political shit on here than usual, but a lot of it has gone well past right vs. left politics.

Please take a look at JPC's history, as well as lostwages and GucciMane (who will claim to be black and therefore not racist but is a complete troll)

When garbage like veiled bigotry around "watermelons" and "kunte kinte" show up on the board, it's not "conservative politics", it's straight up 4chan racist bs.  

Clean this shit up please before it turns into 4chan.


June 15th, 2020 at 11:42 PM ^

Some posters feel they have immunity on this board because they got people of influence removed form their positions of influence. While we all appreciate their actions at that point in time they continue to think social contributions are warranted. Not so. Get off our high moral horse and enjoy Michigan sports, when they they come back to us, with the rest of us.

Special Agent Utah

June 15th, 2020 at 10:23 PM ^

He’s psychotic. 

I made a bad joke once he didn’t like and he absolutely lost his shit. So I went back and changed it to make it look he was losing his shit over something that was totally innocuous. 

Not only did he go back and track the original comment from the mods. But he continues to trumpet it as his greatest achievement, like Sherlock Holmes in “The Hounds of the Baskervilles”, or something. And I’m pretty sure he creates multiple accounts to back himself up as to how amazeballs he is. 

I used to think he was just an asshole, but now I think he might be legit mentally disturbed. His batshit unhinged racism here only reinforces my belief. 


June 15th, 2020 at 7:00 PM ^

I've largely left the forum because of how toxic it has become.  One thing I've learned over the years is the large an online forum grows the harder it is to maintain good posters.  As the number of morons and assholes increases the good posters are driven away due to getting tired of arguing with people who just want to piss in the pool and be toxic.  And the ratio of bad to good posts grows and more and more good posters leave.  

I'd love to see a large increase in moderation that would weed out the racists, trolls, and shit-stirrers.  Might allow for decent discussions again and could bring back some of the good football voices who have left.



June 15th, 2020 at 7:08 PM ^

I’m a middle of the road kinda dude...who generally leans towards “conservative values”.  Disagreeing politically is one thing but talking about giving black people watermelon and bringing up Kunta Kinte is straight garbage.  Maybe the intent is tongue in cheek style humor but in my opinion in 2020 really doesn’t have a place. Some of the other stuff I think people are getting a little sensitive on.  


June 15th, 2020 at 7:19 PM ^

Sheesh, first time I've checked the board all day and expected to find just another slow day with few posts and not much chatter... instead it's Candace Owens and Gundy and OAN and I'm sure a bunch of stuff I don't even want to know about. 

Yikes. Good day to sit out whatever is going on. 

[Homer Simpson disappearing into hedges gif]

rob f

June 15th, 2020 at 7:38 PM ^


I just looked at the board 15 minutes ago for the first time since noon or so, and (thanks to this thread) saw a slice of what I've missed over the last several hours.  And yes, I'm the new mod---I knew the relative calm of the last week was too good to last.

As I'm not even at home and won't be for an hour or so, I'll only say this much right now: there's only a very few things I'm totally intolerant of, and racism is at the top of that short list.

I'll be back home by 9 and take a better look at whatever cleanup is necessary then, especially any further racist comments made in the meantime. 

throw it deep

June 15th, 2020 at 7:41 PM ^

"Dear new mod,

Please ban everybody who disagrees with me after I post my repugnant political opinions on unrelated threads.

Thanks, Bo Harbaugh"


June 15th, 2020 at 11:32 PM ^

Can you point to the part in the post where he asked someone to ban someone who disagrees with him?

Seemed like he was requesting mods to ban people resorting to racism epithets and name calling because they couldn't come up with genuine arguments to express their irrational anger.

Just like you've done here with disingenuous cynicism. You can't even come up with an argument worth stating.

rob f

June 15th, 2020 at 7:42 PM ^


I just looked at the board 15 minutes ago for the first time since noon or so, and (thanks to this thread) saw a slice of what I've missed over the last several hours.  And yes, I'm the new mod---I knew the relative calm of the last week was too good to last.

As I'm not even at home and won't be for an hour or so, I'll only say this much right now: there's only a very few things I'm totally intolerant of, and racism is at the top of that short list.

I'll be back home by 9 and take a better look at whatever cleanup is necessary then, especially any further racist comments made in the meantime. 


(edit: worth saying twice, I suppose)

Steve in PA

June 15th, 2020 at 8:03 PM ^

This board has just become a complete shitshow anymore.  I come here about 2x per month and it's the same fucking thing.  The same bullshit that made me decide Facebook wasn't worth the aggravation of political post-after-political post just to see what old friends are up to.

I have friends on both side of all of these arguments.  I used to pride myself on that.  Now I just want to be left alone and let them yell at each other.  We've come to the point in society where each side has their own set of "undeniable facts" that the other think is complete bullshit.

People now self-segregate to be as far away from those who disagree as possible.  I'm done.  I'm ready to be a hermit while you all have your blue-red/Fox-CNN arguments until you destroy what is left of society.


June 15th, 2020 at 8:24 PM ^

I'll never go hermit. Friendships mean too much. Even if I see a friend going hermit, I'll cut the shit and find an olive branch. Don't give up on your friends, man. There is way too much common ground out there. Get off Facebook. Talk to your people face to face.


June 15th, 2020 at 9:17 PM ^

Please stop! I come to this board to talk about football recruiting not to talk about racism. By posting this you’re just fueling the fire for all the trolls on this board. 


June 15th, 2020 at 9:52 PM ^

While we're on the subject of board bigots, I complained to the higher ups about the poster Walter Sobchak. He posted a blatantly antisemitic Holocaust "joke" about Paul Finebaum, who is Jewish. (The remark: "Finebaum looks like he got out of Buchenwald yesterday.") But the brass never did anything about the post, which is still accessible on the site. 



Cranky Dave

June 15th, 2020 at 11:42 PM ^

This thread is a perfect example of why why I only rarely visit this site anymore. I long for the OT threads about jorts,  choosing granite countertops and expressing dogs anal glands


June 16th, 2020 at 8:05 AM ^

Bo Harbaugh is one of the last people on the board, I would rely upon for a fair minded judgment as to whom should be banned, just ahead of Special Agent.