Picture Pages: Tackle Over Prep Comment Count


In this edition of why Michigan couldn't run against Penn State, here's a second-quarter zone stretch that goes for one yard. Michigan comes out in what looks like a traditional I-Form but has the tackle over thing where Lewan and Williams swap spaces.


Unlike virtually all of Michigan's runs from their tackle over formation, Penn State backs off this one. They've got two deep safeties and a gray area defender, but it's seven-ish in the box. Michigan will get one yard.

I'm trying to figure things out here and eventually it occurs to me that Penn State's line looks awfully damn big. Didn't Ace say Penn State's defensive ends were 250 pounds and liable to blow away in a stiff breeze?

/googles "penn state roster"

/sorts by number



From top to bottom, these gentlemen are:

  1. A 258 pound DE
  2. A 281 pound DT
  3. A 280 pound DT
  4. A 302 pound DT
  5. A 318 pound DT

Schofield gets rocked back by Johnson, Lewan can't put Jones in the bench, Glasgow and Kalis can't scoop Gaia, and Michigan does not "execute up front," because Penn State figures that if Michigan is going to tell 'em where they're running they're going to put four DTs on the field and line their best up over Michigan's tackles.

Coordinators have to execute, too. Penn State's DC did his prep work.

Items of Interest

Well, poop. Yep.



October 16th, 2013 at 1:53 PM ^

It's really not that hard to learn the play signals.  I'm actually disappointed the skill positions don't know them.  If the WR's knew the signals, they could line up faster and save precious seconds.  Just because Hoke/Borges insist on huddling, doesn't mean the eniter team has too.  We could run a quasi huddle.


October 16th, 2013 at 2:44 PM ^

Or being kept on a short leash. Now, Gardner is rarely switching us out of bad plays. I know you need time at the LOS, but it seems like these guys are being told "make it work". Also, you'd think Devin would be on the headset telling Al what he is seeing between series. One can only guess that we have a one-way communication channel going on here and because of that, they don't spend much time on audibles and countering at the line. Maybe Devin's voice can't overcome the magical thinking in Al's head. I hope Al got a message from Brady this week to take what the defense is giving you.


October 16th, 2013 at 5:33 PM ^

... Between fear of Gardner's decision-making, fear of the O-Line blocking, and fear of miscommunication adding to the mess. We don't check out of plays because Gardner isn't allowed to or doesn't trust himself (minimal experience?), we don't huddle quickly because we make sure everyone is on the same page, and so forth. If that were true, that's a bad way to manage, but an easy one to fix. In particular, putting more responsibility on Gardner to sight-adjust into a long handoff to Gallon would help this particular problem a lot. It wouldn't make the blocking better, but every little bit helps. Big picture, the coaches have to trust Gardner because he's all we got. Don't run him all the time, but give him easy passes even if it's the four flats horizontal offense to start; the counter to that is the deep ball and that *will* get called.