OT-Check out Tennessee's new alternative uniformz

Submitted by maizenblue92 on

Tennessee’s New ‘Smokey Gray’ Uniforms Are the Best Thing to Happen to Their Program in Years

Thoughts? Opinions? Honestly these wayyyy are better than most.


August 15th, 2013 at 7:06 PM ^

"Hi, I'm adidas. Do you mind if I take your normal uniform, cover it in black, then splash some of your actual colors in random places. You do'nt mind? Cool! Here is a truckfull of money."


August 15th, 2013 at 7:14 PM ^

Seriously, even if I actually liked these specific uniformz, which I don't, I am already tired of the needless attempt to jazz up a sport that needs absolutely zero jazzing up. These kinds of ridiculous uniformz make me think of Arena League football, or the hapless XFL, or really any desperate, sinking ship. Oh wait, Tennessee...


August 15th, 2013 at 8:33 PM ^

The pattern at the top of the jersey makes it look like the guy just got run over by a big truck.  Probably not the most intimidating look for a football team.  


August 16th, 2013 at 12:38 AM ^

to just how bad most alternate uniforms are that people don't think these suck.

Before we lived in a world where every team had an alternate uniform design, I would have given these about a 2 out of 10. 

But given that most alternate uniforms look like they were designed by a either a 4-year old set loose with a box of Crayolas or a mental patient who has been off of his meds for a month (yes I know, mental illness is not a joke, yada yada yada) I give these a 4.

French West Indian

August 16th, 2013 at 10:23 AM ^

I really wish teams would quit these clown show business and just stick to their traditional uniforms.