Revision Operations
10/27/2010 - 5:31pm by Seth

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

Current revision
10/24/2010 - 11:35pm by MaizeAndBlueWahoo

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

10/22/2010 - 10:56am by Seth

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

10/22/2010 - 9:54am by MGoShoe

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

10/22/2010 - 9:53am by MGoShoe

Formatting changes

10/21/2010 - 8:18pm by UMAmaizinBlue

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

10/20/2010 - 12:52pm by Seth

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

10/20/2010 - 12:51pm by Seth

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

10/20/2010 - 12:48pm by Seth

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

10/20/2010 - 12:38pm by Seth

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

09/30/2010 - 9:10pm by InRodWeTrust333

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

09/30/2010 - 5:23pm by Keeeeurt

link to the Lloyd Brady thread didn't work, I'll give up and allow someone else with internet skills to do it.

09/30/2010 - 5:21pm by Keeeeurt

Added the Lloyd Brady photoshop thread for obvious reasons.

09/29/2010 - 7:08am by Seth

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

09/22/2010 - 11:01pm by MGoShoe

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

09/22/2010 - 10:56pm by MGoShoe

Placed MGoProfiles in a table

09/22/2010 - 10:48pm by MGoShoe

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

09/22/2010 - 10:32pm by MGoShoe

Added new section The 2000s: Of The Decade

09/22/2010 - 10:25pm by MGoShoe

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

09/22/2010 - 10:17pm by MGoShoe

Updated Brian's Songs section.

09/17/2010 - 8:27am by MaizeSombrero

Added Denard, the happening

09/06/2010 - 10:47pm by MGoShoe

Added initial content to the Brian's Song section.

09/06/2010 - 8:02pm by MGoShoe

Cleaned up some extra line spaces.

09/06/2010 - 8:00pm by MGoShoe

Added formerlyanonymous: Formerly's Football Inferno section containing all XI Cantos

08/26/2010 - 7:35am by MGoShoe

Added Brian to the MGoProfiles section. Added a Brian's Song section for the "Best of Brian".

08/25/2010 - 11:43pm by MGoShoe

Added football analysis diaries from The Mathlete, Coach Schiano, and MCalibur. Added MGoBlog Introspection section.

08/19/2010 - 7:29am by MGoShoe

Added Chitown Blue to MGoProfile section.

08/19/2010 - 12:59am by MGoShoe

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

08/19/2010 - 12:58am by MGoShoe

Added section: The Great Posbang of Aug 18, 2010

08/14/2010 - 5:55pm by MGoShoe

Added another restaurant thread. Separated stadium/things to do and food in the A2 section.

08/13/2010 - 12:09am by wile_e8

Added MGoBlog Stylish Theme to the guidelines. Not sure if that is the best section for it, but it didn't seem to fit anywhere else either.

08/12/2010 - 12:29pm by MGoShoe

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

08/11/2010 - 7:30pm by MaizeAndBlueWahoo

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

08/05/2010 - 8:28am by MGoShoe

Updated MGoProfiles section with MGoJen.

08/02/2010 - 7:50pm by MGoShoe

Added An Ode to Michigan.

08/01/2010 - 10:12am by wile_e8

Added the mgoblog recruiting philosophy to the guidelines, and also cleaned up the links to other pages in the guidelines

07/29/2010 - 6:58am by MGoShoe

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

07/26/2010 - 10:48pm by Seth9

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

07/26/2010 - 10:03am by MGoShoe

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

07/26/2010 - 10:02am by MGoShoe

Added an "MGoProfile" section. Added various meta posts into the "A Message to You, Rudy" section.

07/04/2010 - 4:40pm by MGoShoe

Added MGoPoints whining post as a cautionary tale.

06/30/2010 - 10:05pm by MGoShoe

Added best/worst A2 restaurants link in A2 section.

06/10/2010 - 10:18pm by MGoShoe

Added A2/Michigan Stadium section.

06/01/2010 - 1:15pm by MaizeAndBlueWahoo

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

05/23/2010 - 5:31pm by pasadenablue

updating lowest mgopoints page link.

05/22/2010 - 9:38am by MGoShoe

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

05/22/2010 - 9:37am by MGoShoe

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

05/21/2010 - 3:38pm by Seth9

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

05/21/2010 - 12:25pm by MGoShoe

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

05/20/2010 - 9:50am by UMdad

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.