Vote for Rich Rodriguez Coach of the Year

Submitted by mikefromaa on
You have to register, but it only takes a second. Here is the addy: Am I suggesting that Rich Rodriguez will deserve this award at the end of the year? In a word, no. No way of knowing. Am I suggesting that Rich Rodriguez is most deserving today? Well, no, but he's top 5 in my book. In terms of in-game coaching that ND game was near flawless. It's really hard to make a case for anyone other than Kevin Sumlin of Houston though. Do I really care if Rich Rod deserves the honor or not? In a word, no. Do I think it would be a nice little F-you to everyone trying to work against RR and the program? Absolutely. Do I think general support for RR could help recruiting and the general well-being of the program--yeah, maybe. Do I see absolutely any harm that could come from voting for Rich Rod? Absolutely not. Do I think the general response to my earlier post has earned a ridiculously high idiot rating with a distinct douchebag aftertaste? You be the judge.

The King of Belch

September 17th, 2009 at 4:25 PM ^

Is almost complete here at MgoBlog. I know these morons love 988 threads on the same topic every day, but THIS isridiculous. Epic, slobbering fuckton of fail.


September 17th, 2009 at 7:32 PM ^

by not going there, I completely avoid the "I've started a flame war at the {redacted} fansite by insulting everything they like; come help me fuel the fire!" Morons with too much time and bandwidth on their hands.

Blue Durham

September 17th, 2009 at 6:49 PM ^

Do I think it would be a nice little F-you to everyone trying to work against RR and the program? No, but as in Animal House This situation calls for an incredibly stupid and futile gesture to be done on somebody's part, and Mikefromaa, I think you are just the guy to do it. Do I think general support for RR could help recruiting and the general well-being of the program? Do I really think voting for this internet-based BS award (and whatever miniscule weight internet voting is given - 20% overall) is going to garner any recruits? You're kidding, right? Do I see absolutely any harm that could come from voting for Rich Rod? Just time, and, I am (over) done wasting mine.