Ok that was fun, now: who was the best M RB?

Submitted by wolverine1987 on
UMdad started the QB thing, which is still going. It was kinda fun so here's one that should not be nearly so debate prone, but interesting nonetheless for June. Who was the best M RB? I will twist it a bit though: I'm defining "best" as the most impressive M running back you've seen play. As in, "holy shit that guy's good." As in talent. As in impressive either in speed, moves, toughness or all three and more. So stats are legit, but stats won't be definitive on this topic under this definition. The most impressive M RB that I've seen play: Tyrone Wheatley Second: Timmy B. Flame away.


June 17th, 2009 at 8:53 AM ^

what about John Vaughn? That dude was fast, fast, fast! Only a very small time in college before he went pro, but that guy was dripping talent. I also am a huge Mike Hart fan. Does anyone know how his rehab is going? I know he worked out in AA this year, and I know that he's got a chance to be the lunchpail guy for the Colts. If he hadn't got the cheapshot spear to the knee last year, he would have started when Addai went down.

El Jeffe

June 17th, 2009 at 9:32 AM ^

Although I loved me some Tony "Smokin'" Boles (sadly prescient nickname) and the heart of Hart, I never saw anyone at UM with the combination of power and speed like Wheatley. The big backs (e.g., Thomas) never seemed to bowl anyone over quite like Wheatley, and the little backs (e.g., Morris, Hart, Davis, Powers, etc.) never seemed to be able to take it the distance with the same jaw-dropping burst. Exhibit A: 2:25, 4:25, and 6:30 of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Jxgr1B9G4A.