More Barwis Porn

Submitted by PhillyGoBlue on
Was at the airport the other day, having a beer while waiting for a flight, and got into a conversation with the guy next to me about college football. Turns out he went to WVU, and was a wrestler there. After expressing his hatred of Michigan to me (over and over), he then voluntarily went on to say, "....but you know that Barwis guy? Let me tell you a story about that guy. I was sick as hell one morning, throwing up from some stomach flu, and when I got to practice I told Barwis that I wasn't going to be able to run that morning. He grabbed me by the back of the neck so f*ing hard, and said 'Son, you'll run for me, or you'll run from me, but one way or the other, you will run'. I turned and sprinted out to the track" I loved the Barwis response.

The FannMan

March 30th, 2009 at 10:24 PM ^

Thanks for the Barwis story! Funny - if WVU doesn't like Rich Rod anymore why are they so mad at us for taking him? We also have turned a great Barwis story into a debate about puking. Everyboby run some laps. Yes - until you puke.