Mea Culpa: I apologize, and am clearly an idiot

Submitted by wolverine1987 on
Going against all of my past conservative instincts in predicting our big games, and also going against my innate superstition in these matters, yesterday I posted this complete pile of crap: predicting a two touchdown victory today. Clearly I have no clue about our program or football in general and should be held accountable in mgoland for my misguided fantasy. Sigh. Even in my worst thoughts I didn't think we would lose like this.


October 24th, 2009 at 7:42 PM ^

I thought this was just a case of "young team gets behind early, struggles to find rhythm, turns the ball over, loses." But now I know the truth. It is entirely your fault. Anyone up for a trip to Ann Arbor Torch and Pitchfork?

Big Shot

October 25th, 2009 at 1:51 AM ^

I was with you on that prediction. I legitimately thought Michigan would win that game by double-digits. The way that game actually played out was far different from the way I envisioned in my head.