Manuel: No Michigan Stadium night game in 2016

Submitted by Wolverine Devotee on

Per Warde Manuel


Manuel says no night football game at Michigan Stadium this fall

— angelique (@chengelis) March 24, 2016



March 24th, 2016 at 9:58 PM ^

Manuel isn't trying to assert himself as the "Big Dog" vis a vis JMFH. Would be a HUGE mistake. He may not like it but he better coddle Harbaugh as necessary. Step off.

Schrödingers Cat

March 25th, 2016 at 12:11 AM ^

I'm all for tradition but as far as I'm concerned Michigan Football's tradition is winning. I admired and loved what Bo did for the program and his opinion of start times made sense in that era. In the present I believe that a game or two at night is not only beneficial but a lot of fun for the fans. Playing at night is not a slight on Bo but just the reality of where college football is now.

I'm one of those guys that think every Michigan game is special but there is something about a night game that I really enjoy. The way Michigan has handled it so far is great, they really try to make it a big deal. I would hate the fact for Michigan to play at night it would be on someone else's turf.

Oh yeah, I also believe that Yost, Bo, Carr, Harbaugh, or any other Michigan coach wouldn't care what time the game is as long as the good guys win. Sure they may have their preference but I believe they are all big picture guys.

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