OT: Friday afternoon/night drinking thread.

Submitted by drjaws on

This being my first MGoBlog thread, and being I'm very good at drinking, I thought I'd make a drinking thread.

First off, a "neat story bro."  I was in grad school at Berkely and was walking down Haight (yes, that Haight in San Fran) with my wife.  Of course I was maize and blue head to toe.  A woman in her 50's-60's in an easily $3000 suit was walking towards me.  As soon as she saw me she stopped and yelled "GO BLUE!  BEAT THOSE BUCKS!" then high fived me and went on her way.  Anyhoo.

I worked until 9pm last night so I got off work at noon and started the day with a Short's Soft Parade.  I know it is out of season but damn it tates good with lunch (Erbelli's pizza).  Since I got home I have been imbibing Bell's HopSlam with some Old Speckled Hen tossed in there.  Chasing my beer with Grey Goose (always stored freezer) and room temp. Crown Royal.

What're you drinking tonight?  I need some ideas to add to my arsenal.


January 23rd, 2015 at 9:27 PM ^

Sitting at my home office debating on drinking tonight or not... I wouldn't mind having a "Hello:" post to celebrate... Anyone make that happen?

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