Brandon is GONE, what are you drinking?

Submitted by Laser Wolf on

That mulled cider I've had in the crockpot for Trick or Treating tonight is going to taste just a little bit sweeter.

What are you celebrating with?


October 31st, 2014 at 8:29 PM ^

While at a Halloween party earlier, I did manage to have a celebratory glass of Tullamore Dew Irish Whiskey in honor of the resignation of our now-former AD. I didn't tell the people there that this was the purpose of the acceptance of the glass as they sort of glaze over when I talk Michigan, but I raised it and began sipping away. It was a nice, warm feeling. 


November 1st, 2014 at 2:57 AM ^

All day ipa, because I've been celebrating this all day. The guy is an alum and a football player under bo, and I hate to see a man lose his job (although he has made more money than I will ever see) but it's time to move on. If I was a detriment to the program I loved and it was best for me to move away... Well maybe hurting myself to help Michigan would be the most 'Michigan man' thing I could do. Go blue

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