There are...

Submitted by JWG Wolverine on


...days until Frances (Whitey), Albert (Al), and Alvin Wistert (Tackles 1931-1933, 1940-1942, 1947-1949) see (at least spiritually) some amazing teamwork, and a significantly improved OL, in a gigantic win over the Figthing Irish!




Go Blue and To Hell With Notre Dame!

JWG Wolverine

August 21st, 2018 at 4:09 AM ^

For today's vid, the best game from the year Jordan Kovacs honored all three brothers by wearing their "Legends" jersey. Speaking of Legends, this is the Legends Division (Remember those stupid names?) showdown between UM and Northwestern. Although we sucked and it was painful live, it is a fun game to rewatch considering how wild the ending was.…