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You from Omaha?? are you in Omaha, or just passing through the beautiful heartland? I ask because I am in Omaha, not because I am odd.
Windsuit Bob Even though a nice accomplishment to move on in a FIFA tournament, this does not mean Bradley is doing well as a coach. Yes, we are not competing as a full squad, but look at our play as of late. Alexi Lalas was not joking when we said our "core" young players are not that promising to build around. ooooo well...... we have to contain Spain's mids and control possession as much as we possibly can. I have a feeling Xavi will dink around and dominate us though. We will see.
Let him wear the 1. does the Let him wear the 1. does the nfl still have those rules about numbers for certain positions?
I might have missed something I might have missed something either in the news, or already mentioned, but is Kampfer the one that got into it with Milano (the now-defunct fullback)? Is that how/why he had the previous injury?