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Thanks Bring out yer FISh! Bring out yer FISH! Bring out yer FISH! As a huge fan of all shapes and sizes of fishes I am quite greatful of your efforts, especially your fillet of IU
For sure Mostly of many reasons... I believe Dreaming of Michigan would sound great at Crisler as well:…
On The Line Yesterday On The Line booked The Sand Bar in Ludington for April 15th, but I am happy to twist their arms to go back-to-back for an Ann Arbor date ;) Yes, OTL is my favorite band, but not just because my son is their bassist.
Bring the baby! Jimmy can seal the deal by bringing baby Harbaugh to win over their moms. Pretty sure that's never been done (therefore not yet banned by SEC)
No appeals process?
No appeals process? This makes me sad for Clark as I suspect with the larger resume he would have gone high in next year's draft. Any speculation on where he might go in this year's draft?
1.2ypc on 33 yards, 211 1.2ypc on 33 yards, 211 passing and a safety. Heisman voters will need to keepan open mind
10 Championship Practices ... before his OSU Championnship game. I'm glad O'Korn has his chance to shine
More 5 Stars Please I hope Sparty invited some 5 star prospects to the game Saturday. It would be fun to see a repeat of the clinc this team performed for Rutgers' best recruits
Against Hoke no less It's noteworthy that he rebounded from that 0 for 7 performance against Brady Hoke's defense at Oregon. Montez started that game completing something like 13 of his first 15 passes.
Corvettes and Tatoos Corvettes are a cool perk. And who really wants to pay for tatoos?
DJ Departure

DJ's departure left me feeling very uneasy but the hire of Dr. Brown had me excited. Reading this had me estatic! This guy grooves on challenging competition. I believe Harbaugh will answer all departures with upgrades for some time (except maybe Peppers)