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And why are those...

...countries unstable?  Got nothing to do with the fact that whenever those countries democratically choose a government that USA doesn't like then the USA pulls out a bunch of nasty black ops tricks to destablize those countries.  In-fucking-croyable! 

Harbaugh… coming home to lead the Tigers to the Super Bowl.

That's all you need to know...uh, uh, OMG!!!, my boner just had a heart attack...I might be dead now.

Where are we agin?

This bit about competition...

"Going to a college team would not result in a damage to SF per se because they're not in competition with them." probably one of the more fascinating—and potentially far-reaching—aspects of this coaching search situation.  As college sports have made the subtle shift from "student athlete" to "employee"(and not just in semantics but with some real legal basis too), the competition between the NFL and college for resources (i.e., for talent in both brains & brawn as well as fan dollars) will become much more intense and potentially quite nasty.

A Harbaugh defection to the college ranks might very well be a galvanizing moment for the NFL when they realize the potential threat of a "professionalized" college football.  In fact, I would dare say that the NFL brass already recognize this threat and that is why the NFL presstitutes are following their marching orders and so aggressively pushing the "no way Harbaugh goes back to college" propaganda.

I understand that many people (that is to say, casual fans) think that college football players shoud be compensated some money but...if that line is crossed...then do understand that it is "game on" and before long any & all of the old rules will be out the window.  

Seriously, what does the NFL offer in a head-to-head battle?

  • The college game already has the hearts & emotions of many fans (with it's grip on alumni & even local territorial pride for the  non-college educated).  Pro teams will pack up and leave town for a better deal but what college has ever engaged in that act of betrayal? 
  • Money?  If Harbaugh receives the rumored contract then he is right on par with NFL coaches.  Would player compensation be far behind (maybe not in 2014 dollars but in a big picture sense)?

And if it does get nasty, who's to say that the old boundaries between college & pro will be respected? 

  • Why wouldn't Michigan & MSU agree play some Sunday afternoon games just to crater the gate receipts (as well as TV ratings) of the Lions?
  • Or maybe the NCAA decides that "graduate" students should retain eligibity indefinitely so that the can continue their (paid) studies.  What Michigan fan wouldn't love to be bragging about the achievements of the now tenured Dr. Tom Brady?

Interesting times indeed...