
February 14th, 2016 at 5:14 PM ^

I was there. It was a home game. It just took place in Maryland. UM has a large home. It was awesome!

UM already bought a lot of the tickets - UM coming to the MD/DC area for football almost never happens so there was a real demand for tickets. And then the huge storm came and the game changed times, and MD was terrible meaning there were so many locals who either didn't want to go or couldn't go and were forced to sell their tickets cheap. Tens of thousands of UM fans bought them up for cheap. It was a sort of surreal sporting event. Lots of fun.


February 15th, 2016 at 3:53 PM ^

I was there also. The Maryland fans behind me were funny. They kept commenting on the size difference between Michigan players and Maryland players. They also wanted the coach fired immediately. When I asked who they could get to replace him they said they were hoping for chip Kelly (lol).

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Broken Brilliance

February 14th, 2016 at 5:20 PM ^

I hope the Lions, Bears, or Vikings don't draft him. (I'm a Packers fan) Only because that would continue a disturbing trend of the NFC North competition doing a few smart things in the draft (Abdullah, Barr, Jeffrey)