From where do our Non-Conference Opponents get their players? Some Mapping

Submitted by milk-n-steak on August 4th, 2023 at 10:46 AM

I thought it would be fun to make a map showing where all of our UM Players come from.  I figured that M would be much more national than our non-conference opponents: East Carolina, UNLV, and Bowling Green.

To check, I added their rosters onto the Michigan Players map to see what happened.

  • East Carolina has a very Carolina bias, although mostly from North and South.  Australian Punter!
  • UNLV is heavily West Coast but has a decent number of players spread all across the country.  Australian! (but a DL)
  • Bowling Green is very Ohio but has clumps of players from Florida and from big cities like DC, NYC, and Atlanta.  Australian Punter AND Mexican Kicker!

HERE IS THE MAP if you want to browse around.


August 4th, 2023 at 11:01 AM ^

Interesting --- UNLV having only 4 players from Nevada is something. 

That may be the structural reason they always struggle: there's just no home base to build off.

oriental andrew

August 4th, 2023 at 11:18 AM ^

State universities generally have mandates/quotas for in-state enrollment. According to their stats page, 86% of UNLV students are from the state of NV. 

As my daughter is a rising senior in HS, we've also been visiting/investigating a number of colleges. VA, for example, requires that 2/3 of all enrolled students are in-state. NC has an 82% in-state quota. 

Not sure about the state of Michigan, but UM is an anomaly based on what I've seen with other flagship public schools, having about a 52% in-state percentage. MSU is more like 82%. 


August 4th, 2023 at 11:07 AM ^

Mexican kicker? Get up babe, new Specialist just dropped. 


I've always felt there should be more of a soccer -> kicker/punter pipeline, so maybe we'll see more in the future?