
December 26th, 2020 at 12:16 PM ^

That article was light on details, but did mention that his mother passed away in August. I wouldn't be so quick to suspect it was accidental and would encourage everyone to pay extra attention to those who may be suffering from depression, particularly around the holidays. If it was an accident, it can't be emphasized enough that learning basic rules on gun safety is important, even for those that hate guns. You may never know when you find a firearm somewhere and need to properly handle it to keep it out of the hands of a child or another adult that can't responsibly handle one.


December 26th, 2020 at 1:17 PM ^

Thanks, the mental health thing gets to me because I lost my best friend in college to some pretty reckless behavior that skirted the line of what may have been suicidal. In hindsight it seems clearer than when it was happening at the time. 

Not to mention culturally there are some that don't subscribe to mental illness or depression and would write something like this off as accidental when there was a possibility it could have been prevented. My wife's family is like that and they lost a cousin to suicide last year. 

Anyway, I feel sorry for the kid.  I hope he finds peace in rest.   Tough for the family and friends that are left grieving. 



December 26th, 2020 at 1:22 PM ^

Nah. Society would be better off if people were more informed than less informed on safety in general. I'd encourage gun safety no different than I would encourage a pedestrian who will never drive to learn the rules of the road. That knowledge makes them safer as a pedestrian regardless of the reasons they don't drive. The reason why they don't drive has literally zero impact on that reasoning.  Maybe not the best analogy but I stand by it.


December 26th, 2020 at 1:27 PM ^

No I respect the point a view. However, I don’t want to argue that it isn’t helpful or sound... instead the idea that an incredibly dangerous object such as a gun can impose on people who want nothing of them... that shouldn’t be. Those people should also have the right to live by those ideals if they chose. Hence, the comment


December 28th, 2020 at 10:54 AM ^

Great points MgoHillbilly.  I know a lot of people dislike the NRA because of their gun lobby, but if nothing else, I recommend looking at the NRA Eddie the Eagle gun safety videos to teach your kids what to do if they ever come across a gun. It teaches kids 4 simple rules about what to do if they come across a gun at a friend’s or relatives house or even on the street.

- Stop!

- Don’t touch 

- Leave the area 

- Tell an adult

i feel like it should be viewed in every grade school classroom.

Perkis-Size Me

December 26th, 2020 at 11:17 PM ^

Gun safety, folks. Can’t stress that enough. Always, always, ALWAYS treat a gun as if it’s loaded. Even if you’re sure it’s not and you’ve checked the chamber, treat it as if it’s loaded anyway. You never want to find out the hard way that you were wrong.