
February 28th, 2016 at 9:56 PM ^

I adjusted the embed for this so it fits into what is the 400ish-pixel width strictures of the comment box here. Some of the player embeds usually run at 600 pixels or more and it displays over the sidebars, which will hide parts of the topic listings. 

Fast formula for adjusting the height and width in the embed - 400/actual width, then multiply that time the height to get the scaled height. Use those numbers in the HTML in the appropriate spots. 

Back to normal programming now. 


February 28th, 2016 at 10:17 PM ^

It was a great shot. THJ has really had to work hard to get on the court this year in Atlanta, and it's nice to see him rising to the challenge. He was sent to the D-league twice this year and approached it professionally and with enthusiasm. I really hope he becomes a star in the NBA.