JWG Wolverine

August 7th, 2021 at 1:06 AM ^

Meta for one quick sec: today's #28 puts a smile on my face as he was where my tenure with this storied MGoBlog tradition has its humble beginnings. We've come a long way.

Enjoy Mr. Timberlake and the '64 National Champs retain the Little Brown Jug, thanks to Bentley Historical Library's new football film archive...




August 7th, 2021 at 3:39 AM ^

JWG - Just want to say Thank You for your dedication to this countdown. Glad you are doing  it. Appreciate your enthusiasm.

Best of luck as you start in the MMB.

Maybe you can write a diary one day on your experience with that effort!?

Go Blue!


August 7th, 2021 at 8:54 AM ^

Just think, in rather short order, we shall be bitching about snowflake threads again....and I shall say the same thing I do every year, "Offer a suggestion that does not create more work and I will consider it", and in all that time, not a one. I do so enjoy it.

In all seriousness though, I was by the stadium yesterday in work-related travels. You certainly can get a hint of the football vibe, as it were, at this point. If nothing else, the gates which will divide us into long lines of people trying to get e-tickets to scan are now present. 


August 7th, 2021 at 10:05 AM ^

Ah, yes. A great year to watch Wolverine football. It was a great team, but the real difference maker was Timberlake, whose ability to scramble and make big yardage on the ground kept drives alive.

Let us hope we can find another fine QB among those on our roster, though we may have to wait a couple of years for them to develop. In 1964 Timberlake was a senior, and the team's record in prior years was unimpressive.

Go Blue!