JWG Wolverine

July 22nd, 2021 at 12:10 AM ^

As this year’s fun daily glimpses at Michigan Football history go on, it is only responsible to continue empowering the victims of that history’s darker side.

Today’s #44 from the steps of the state capitol in September 2020 (skip to 18:50):

By summer 2021, the Michigan community has had our reckoning with the University, Athletic Department, and prominent individuals who enabled Robert Anderson. It’s more than time for the institution’s reckoning to follow.

JWG Wolverine

July 22nd, 2021 at 12:57 AM ^

It has already been talked about by many, but a piece of said reckoning has been a renewed understanding of "The Team, The Team, The Team."

On one hand (as Chuck Christian pointed out at the end of the linked Athletic article), Bo's program failed those immortalized words. Then, one man (Robert Anderson) was more important than the team, and in the less-than-careful idolization thereafter, one coach was more important than the team.

On the other hand (as Matt Schembechler pointed out), the presumed limits to the philosophy weren't regarded...and it was the commitment to its following that hurt many. With Anderson part of Bo's team, he was more important than any man. 


Regardless of how you see it, I'm sure for many this scandal has caused adjustments to the way they partake in their Michigan fandom. For me, the biggest part of that has been actually raising my prioritization of the team itself (and the athletes that make it), as it is those people who construct those undying memories at the end of the day.

The good news is there is literally no easier time to put that into action. Today begins the newest feature of "There are...", a corresponding shoutout to a current player's jersey available to buy at The M Den:

Check out DB Josh Luther's custom jersey right here. Though it hasn't happened yet, expect more on his story from Magnus in Touch the Banner's countdown.


July 22nd, 2021 at 8:24 AM ^

To be fair, even though not everyone is a fan of the "There Are..." series, they are rather a board tradition at this point. I mean, it's certainly a harmless bit of fun and the students of program history undoubtedly get something out of these posts. 

As for the best part of living in this state in the summer, if you live along the I-275 corridor like I do, it's definitely snickering at the downed barrels every morning, speculating as to what sort of stupidity caused someone to hit something they could clearly see if they had been paying attention.