Seat Cushion Question

Submitted by Blazefire on
Alright, quick one here. My wife picked us up some Michigan branded seat cushions because on the rare instance I DO sit down on those metal benches, it just KILLS my rear end. I had sciatica for three days straight after the Wisconsin game last season. Anyhow, she didn't know that the rules say NON-POCKET seat cushions are acceptable. The cushions she got have a flap that will hang down in front when you put them on the bench, with a couple of pockets and a webbing area to hold your drink. I told her I was pretty sure they would be fine, and we would just hold them at our sides as we went in and probably nobody would even notice, much less care. Was I correct, or is this the sort of thing they hawk for? I know last year her bag was about half an inch too big to go through the little measuring device, so they wouldn't let us take it in.