OT: Proposed solution to Jim Joyce's missed call

Submitted by Jivas on

Here's an idea: clearly, Bud Selig should *not* reverse the umpire's decision from yesterday's perfect game (this is a non-starter). HOWEVER, given that the runner was "safe" but the ball clearly beat him to first base, the official scoring of the play could be changed from a hit to an error on Gallaraga ... who would then at least have a no-hitter to his name.

EDIT: I originally erred in posting this forum topic before I was done typing, so I'll expand here.

Reversing an officiating judgement call is not an option, in my opinion.  However, rulings by official scorers are reviewed and modified on a regular basis.

Clearly, the call was wrong, and nobody feels worse about it than Joyce.  I feel awful for the guy, and Gallaraga will never get his perfect game back.  But since the call of "safe" stands, and since the ball clearly beat the runner to the base, changing the official scoring on the play to an error is easily justifiable.  And while Gallaraga still doesn't get his perfect game, at least he gets an official no-hitter.

Finally, I was amazed at the professionalism and grace displayed by everyone involved.  If I had a camera trained on me while I did my job, I couldn't imagine carrying myself any better than Gallaraga or Joyce did last night, or in the aftermath.  They are better men than I.


June 3rd, 2010 at 3:05 PM ^

The ESPN article talked to the official at the game and said he watched it numerous times last night to try and find a slight bobble when Galarraga caught it to rule it an error and said it was not and option.  


June 3rd, 2010 at 3:06 PM ^

If you're going to change anything, change it to an out.  Period.  It wasn't an error, but an infield hit, IMO.  Now can we please speculate about Michigan's record?


June 3rd, 2010 at 3:08 PM ^

I was hoping for The Knowledge (or The_Knowledge)  That guy hasn't made an appearance in a while.  We need something.... anything to spice it up around here.  Or... maybe I should get back to work.


June 3rd, 2010 at 3:08 PM ^

How about scoring the error on Joyce and acknowledging that a pItching a perfect game requires perfection from the pitcher, the fielders and the umps.


June 3rd, 2010 at 3:38 PM ^

That would penalize a Detroit fielder for an umpire's mistake, and downgrade what should have been the 21st perfect game in MLB history into the 267th no-hitter.  Just overturn the call and make it a perfect game. 


June 3rd, 2010 at 6:03 PM ^

yes, SaberMGoticians*, in case you're wondering, this is the shortest Misopogon post in MGohistory.**


* So much harder to incorporate "MGo" into the middle of a word.

** Yes, my own credulity at coming up with such a laconic (though I would argue apt) reply is the reason I am now analyzing it in a reply to my reply. I am my own special kind of crazy.