OT: Life's Unexpectedness

Submitted by mdsgoblue on

To all MgoBloggers:

Sometimes life just reaches out and takes the air right out of your lungs.  I know that we are all struggling during these trying economic times but I also know that this blog and it's users have shown to be caring and generous people.

Two nights ago a horrible story was shared with me about a very young family and a recent tragedy.  A healthy 35 year old father of four boys and one girl (who is less than a year old) was just snatched from this earth unexpectedly.

Not to long ago his wife had posted on facebook that she was so happy that their daughter would grow up knowing her father.  Her own father was taken from her at an early age.  Unfortunately this was not to be!

These types of things are unexplanable and very confusing to me, and my only reaction is to try and give back and help.

I know that some folks here have more than likely also suffered unexpected personal tragedy and can sympathize with this horrible situation.

If not just thoughts and prayers, if you can afford to give something to help this family in this long moment of sadness it will be appreciated.



September 22nd, 2012 at 12:43 PM ^

Why in the hell would you downvote this?  Even if you don't care and aren't going to donate or  keep this family in your thoughts!  Your contribution of a single click of the index finger in the wrong direction is a sad, sad, sad picture of who you are!!!



September 22nd, 2012 at 1:21 PM ^

There are a disproportionate number of jackasses on the Internet. Given the traffic that this site receives, we unfortunately have more then a few in our midst. Don't worry about it too much. They're probably losers in real life too. 

That is an awful story. Thoughts and prayers for those kids and their mother. Thanks for posting. 

OMG Shirtless

September 22nd, 2012 at 1:44 PM ^

I'm not one of the downvotes, but as someone who perpetually downvotes shit, I understand the reasoning.  This is primarily a sports site.  People spend time here to avoid the real world, avoid their kids, avoid their wives, etc.  Not everyone wants to see something this depressing and unrelated to Michigan Football posted on a sports blog.  

It's the same reason there was backlash during the month of constant obituary posts for anyone with the slightest relationship to Michigan.  

If you're going to post something like this on a sports site, you should expect that there are going to be people who do not think it's the proper forum for your post.  


September 22nd, 2012 at 3:43 PM ^

I think what they're downvoting is not the cause itself, but the fact that this is REALLY REALLY OT during the season. MGoBlog isn't really a place to promote causes except insofar as they pertain to Michigan, particularly the sports aspect of this (example: Hope for Pahokee)

If someone did this every time they ran across a similarly tragic cause (which is, by the way, pretty heartbreaking), the board would be continuously filled with these kinds of posts instead of posts that pertain to the subject of the blog.

So I'd say that facebook is a great way to post this (as is twitter, if you have it). If you have your own blog, that's a great avenue as well. But posting something this OT to a public website probably isn't the most appropriate way to get your message across.

And one more thing: complaining about downvoting (justified or otherwise) will inevitably annoy people. So go ahead and downvote this post; I promise not to complain. Hope this helps explain the rather chilly reaction of some people to your original post.


September 22nd, 2012 at 4:48 PM ^

for me I guess.  My brain still has room for humanity even if it infiltrates the sacred boundries of "I'm in my cave" outlets.

I'm sorry I just don't get it, but it won't happen again!

Back to regular scheduled programming and thanks to all who gave from their hearts and pocketbooks.!


September 22nd, 2012 at 12:47 PM ^

I feel bad that nobody has posted a reply, as I do feel deeply sorry.  As a father of a soon to be 3 year old with another on the way, this exact scenario is probably my biggest fear.  That being said, I think the reason you have not seen any responses in this thread is that what you are describing is a very personal event.  It's a little uncomfortable for people who are unfamiliar with the situation. I also think this is why someone negged the post.  It probably isn't an appropriate topic in some eyes, as a lot of people probably can't empathize with your position.

That being said, I do not fault you in any way for creating the thread.  If faced with the same situation, I would likely do everything in my power to help my friends.  If I were in your shoes, I would probably post something similar.  I hope the family gets the support they desperately need, and my thoughts are with them.