OT: Fuck Cancer (Update)

Submitted by Darker Blue on December 10th, 2019 at 9:10 PM

So after about 8 hours of surgery today it was discovered that the cancer has spread throughout his body and they're giving him approximately 6 months.

This started as lung cancer 12 years ago, he lost half of a lung. Then the cancer moved to his prostate and he eventually lost his prostate and bladder. 

Hes been on an oral chemo med for the last 2 years or so but it had stopped working and so they put a port in and decided to do chemo via drip.

He made it through one treatment, and then after about 10 days he went to the er with horrible abdominal pains.

They rushed him by ambulance to U of M. They cut him open today to relieve the bowel obstruction, but could not remove it because the obstruction was all cancer 

They put in a colostomy bag. To give him some more time

If any of you know who I am personally could you please not share this information. My Dad doesn't know any of this, he will be under heavy sedation until at least tomorrow. 

Thanks for listening,  other than Mrs. DB I don't have many friends anymore

Mocha Cub

December 11th, 2019 at 2:39 AM ^

Fuck Cancer. We're going through it with my dad as well. Inoperable cancer and not sure if he's going to be strong enough to make it through chemo. A lot of waiting right now. My dad has basically been confined to his bed for the last couple of months. It's def been tough. Prayers for your father from our end. Take time to enjoy the little things with him as much as you can even though I know it sometimes seems difficult.

Dr. Detroit

December 11th, 2019 at 4:23 AM ^

Hugs, my brother.

Enjoy what you can of the time you have with him.  It won't be pretty, but he's still here.  Be there for him and help him as much as you can.


December 11th, 2019 at 6:17 AM ^

Hey man, you’re not alone. Praying for strength for you and for your family during this difficult time. Also praying for your dad, that he will have peace through this time. Make sure you talk about and do what is important with him and make memories with him. Like others have said, it’s never too late. Put aside all your differences and whatever you disagree on and just be there for him. Praying bud. 


December 11th, 2019 at 6:35 AM ^

So very sorry to read this. Thought about and prayed for your family several times yesterday. Continued prayers for all of you throughout the next few days and months! Prayers especially during the Christmas season!


December 11th, 2019 at 7:17 AM ^

That's sad news DB.  Time comes for us all, but time doesn't have to come and hit us repeatedly in the stomach with a sledgehammer.  Sounds like your Dad has gotten more than his fair share of rotten luck with regards to his cancer and that is sad and unfair.  I hope the time your father has left is more peaceful and allows for a few more happy memories to be made between the both of you before he passes on.

If the sympathy of a random stranger on the internet offers you any comfort, then know you have it from me. 


December 11th, 2019 at 7:32 AM ^

Just read this thread and I'm very sorry to hear that your father, yourself and family all have to go through this. I hope that you all have the strength that's needed and wish you all the best going forward through this. 


December 11th, 2019 at 7:40 AM ^

i am so sorry to hear this horrible news. 

i lost my mom 14 years ago to cancer that started as stage 4 breast cancer in then 5 years it spread to her bones and then eventually got into her bone marrow and at that point there was nothing left that could be done.

in october/november of 2004 the doctors told my mom that none of the treatments were working anymore and everyone agreed that she should stop doing chemo and radiation and just enjoy the time she had left instead of being sick and miserable all of the time from the treatments... they gave my mom 2 maybe 3 months... she made it to april 26th of 2005 because she fought with everything she had left.

with the time you have left with him, make the most of it and spend as much time as you can with him.



December 11th, 2019 at 8:04 AM ^

I'm so sorry. Your post really pulls at me and I just don't have the words. Our family prayed for you last night and we will continue to. 


December 11th, 2019 at 8:51 AM ^

awful news I am 87 survived prostatectomy melanoma have had chemo for bladder cancer since 2013. I keep visualizing the hell your dad must be going through and would love ti have some words of comfort but there are none. prayers for him and your family


December 11th, 2019 at 9:02 AM ^

You got this man stay strong for dad, he’s fought a war damn is he tough. These last few months will fly by. Spend every waking moment with him. Encourage him push him, keep moving keep fighting. Keep posting here man if it helps. If this gives you strength post every 5 minutes if you need to. Life is bigger than sports. 

You Only Live Twice

December 11th, 2019 at 9:18 AM ^

Seems like you have more friends here than you thought DB.

Hang in there.  Hoping you can talk with your Dad very soon.


December 11th, 2019 at 9:37 AM ^

My thoughts have been with you since the first post. I am so sorry, and know that words are inadequate. I have been in your shoes. Spend as much time with him as you can, and say everything you need to say, watch a movie, watch a game, whatever. I spent my dad's last couple of weeks with him and I am so grateful for that time.


December 11th, 2019 at 10:43 AM ^

Be there for your dad.  As a father, what REALLY matters to me are my wife a kids and if I only had six months left, I want as much of it spent with them.

Stay strong.

Fuck Cancer


December 11th, 2019 at 10:57 AM ^

I don't know you from Adam, but you're in my thoughts. Families can be tough. My brother and I have been estranged from my dad for... crap, 30 years now? We've tried to reconnect with him a number of times over the years, with no luck. It bums me out that he doesn't know his grandkids, but it's out of our hands. As tough as your relationship with your dad has been, it sounds like you have one - and as has been noted numerous times above, the time to make things better. Maybe not right, but better. I hope you take every precious minute you have left with him.


December 11th, 2019 at 11:29 AM ^

I lost my father to lung cancer. By the time his doctors discovered it, he was already Stage 4 (metastic - terminal) and lived for about a year afterward.

Watching a parent get eaten away by cancer is... difficult. 

My Dad had been going to the doctor with lung symptoms/pneumonia for over year and the docotors failed to catch it in time for it to be treatable. My Dad never smoked a day in his life, so the whole thing all felt particularly unfair.

The one positive thing about a cancer diagnosis (believe me, its mostly negatives) is that it gives you time to put any unresolved issues in your relationship in order, that you probably wouldn't get if your father died of sudden heart attack or something like that.

My Dad had a cousin who also died from lung cancer about 6 months before he did. At his funeral I listened to my second cousin give his father's eulogy, and I was overcome with an impending sense of my own future. Sure enough I was giving my Dad's eulogy a few months later.

If its any consolation - we're all dying. Me, you all of us, we're all heading toward death. None of us know when. You're dad will likely go before you, but you still don't know when. All you can do is use the time in between as best as you can. 

I wish I could offer more, but even writing this much brought back a lot of difficult memories. Hang in there, and keep your family close.


December 11th, 2019 at 3:36 PM ^

My heart goes out to you. Needless to  say, make the most you can of whatever time you have with him - something we should all be doing with our loved ones every day. Try to stay strong for him. Prayers and best wishes. 


December 11th, 2019 at 8:22 PM ^

So sorry to hear the news. My sister also found out today that her cancer has reappeared. Sometimes the best we can do is be there for them. I don’t know you at all, but I hope you will consider me a friend and I know that there are many here who feel the same. You are not alone. God bless.