OT - Explain Your Avatar and User Name

Submitted by xtramelanin on


Over the years snippets come out on various mgobloggers about their avatars - like MGrowOld, for instance, has a picture of his wife, and LSA2000 explained the 'naughty dentist' line in his avatar.  And while of course some of them are pretty straight forward, nevertheless, for many, the who/what/why of your avatar and user name are unknown.

I searched the archives and found nothing on point, so the question/issue is this:  Explain your avatar/picture and username - why that picture, those numbers or lettters or whatever else that designates your mgoblog presence. 

CAVEAT:  if 'Everybody Murders' is thinking about explaining, you might want to read some things on self-incrimination, the fifth amendment, and the fact that most jurisdictions have no statute of limitations on murder.  Just in case, you know, yours is true.   

Happy Easter/Holiday Weekend and Go Blue for our hockey team in about 15 minutes.





March 27th, 2016 at 1:48 PM ^

...from the day I was born, and having the luck of attending this Michigan of ours (with the added bonus of 1997 being my frosh year), it truly is great to be a Michigan Wolverine. Ian Gold was my favorite player from my student days, with Sam Sword a close second. Managed to find a pic with both of them.


March 27th, 2016 at 2:03 PM ^

Started the first rural music school in Brittany in '82 and also the Irish Set Dancing movement in the early 90's.

Squeezebox is the Irish name for the small button accordion, which I teach.

Living on this side of the big pond can be a hassle for catching UM sports with the 6 hour time difference, as evening games start the middle of the night.

Class of '69 by the way.


March 27th, 2016 at 2:39 PM ^

Uber:  denoting an outstanding or supreme example of a particular kind of person or thing.

Such as supremely fanatical about Michigan........Go Blue.

Just my  German Shorthaired Pointer trying to smoke that Cuban cigar.


March 27th, 2016 at 7:07 PM ^

I like bacon, everyone likes bacon, so I changed my name to bacon. Then people started asking if I ras John U Bacon or Kevin or what, so I put my avatar as the pig.


April 1st, 2016 at 1:31 PM ^

Handle: There was a user named Seth I had to steal the name from.

Handle before I just used my name: Google Misopogon. I was into the hipster emperor before it was cool.

Avatar: 2008 was a rebuilding year. Made more sense with the Geocities reference that used to be my sub-tag.


April 9th, 2016 at 10:56 AM ^

My avatar name is a "Michigan-ized" take-off of my soccer nickname "Mad Dog".

How I got that nickname . . . I grew up in an Appalachian coal mining town.  They did not have soccer there, the same way they did not have Communist rallies and Earth Day.  "Ethnic food" meant Italian.  It was a meat and potatoes kind of place.

When I moved to Dayton where they did have soccer, I played in city rec-leagues.  Not having played soccer until I was 28, I was not familiar with the rules.  Or that there even were rules.

I thought that if you were between me and the ball, I could just check you out of the way hockey-style. During one game it got to the point where every time I would come up the sideline, the other team would scream out to their players: "Watch out, here comes that Mad Dog."

My own team mates saw the logic in the name, and it stuck.



April 9th, 2016 at 12:19 PM ^

The name:  Jabberwock.  Because I tend to run at the mouth a bit, and used to dabble in copywriting.

The avatar:  I once had a 27 min staring contest with this llama in a florida zoo.  I won, but RESPECT.