OT - douchey MgoBlog users

Submitted by DISCUSS Man on

It's the 6 year!! anniversary of this mgohalloffame thread.

those were the days. i was just a mere reader back then.



Let me start off by saying I know what I am getting myself into here, but it has to be said, even if it is to only get my frustrations off my chest. I am sick of the douche bags on this site. And I think it is safe to assume they are michigan students.
I love this university, My aunt and uncle have season tickets and I have been going since I was 12. I always wanted to go to school here, but it's expensive and my grades weren't good enough in high school. But after living here and going to eastern, I have come to realize that the students that go here are over-privileged, whiny rich kids who don't know jack shit about the real world. It has been showing up more and more on this site, and for the longest time I tolerated people whining about posts not having the right title so they had to take 5 seconds to click on it and realize they didn't want to read it. Were so sorry we inconvenienced you, since you go to U of M you must be right and have everything your way. In fact, I'm sure that some people are going to bitch about me having to long of a post in the forum and I should have put this under diaries. Well guess what, piss off. I just witnessed a forum where people were complaining about the spelling. This blew my mind. Get a life people. Don't you realize people think you're douche bags? Well, it's because you are. Wow, so you go to Michigan, so you can spell, good for you. You think your shit don't stink. But if you were "all that" you would be going to Harvard, Wharton, or MIT., there are plenty of people smarter out there than you. So shut the hell up and post about sports or responses to OT topics, not how well you can spell, that's what first grade spelling bee's are for, or to complain about a topics title, nobody has dial-up anymore, I can click on every link on this site in under 5 min, deal with it
p.s. Also, for all you michigan students who think getting hit by a car won't hurt, the world does not revolve around you. I will stop for you if you are using a designated cross walk. but if you are crossing state street and are coming out from behind a car at a random spot, either be prepared to be hit or yelled at, and if you yell back, be prepared to have something thrown at you.
p.s.s. Do you think that talking about how jake long got drafted first overall will help RR get S. Henderson when he talks to him? I have always wondered if that was considered tacky to do?