
April 28th, 2011 at 4:52 PM ^

Come on Section 1.  You know I respect you and your thoughts.  I appreciate when I first came on this baord, you were one of the few people to answer my stupid questions.  And I love that you are not forgetting what the FREEP has done to the program, but defending RR does not mean you have to crap at Hoke. 

I supported RR and I happily support Hoke.  Could always be worse, we could have gotten Harbaugh.  Hoke like RR has never trashed the reputation of the school.

Section 1

April 28th, 2011 at 5:38 PM ^

and in so doing, I said that Rodriguez was perhaps the best college football coach in America.  And so that constitutes "crapping" on Brady Hoke... how? 

You're gonna need a very powerful search-engine to find much of anything from me that is in any way seriously negative toward Brady Hoke.

All that I have done so far, is to refuse to buy into the media's love-fest with Hoke.  Which is all as baseless and as irrational as the hate-fest dumped on Rodriguez.  Brady Hoke will get his chance, and whether or not I am enthusiastically supporting him means nothing.  I'll say more about Hoke -- he's been generous and classy in his public appearances with regard to Rodriguez.  Hoke should be given major credit for that.  By all accounts, Hoke's a good guy and probably those who know him would not be at all surprised that Hoke would behave with professionalism toward his colleague Rodriguez.


April 27th, 2011 at 8:17 PM ^

Interesting comments from "Matt Grossclose"...a typical Buckeye student there with his trademark mullet, tat, wife beater that he wears to class and bear-beard..... didnt we last see him as Julia Roberts next door lover in "Sleeping with the Enemy"?  yeah he credits the AD and bow tie prez for 'handling the situation well'



April 27th, 2011 at 10:28 PM ^

did not sound real sharp (understatement). The fact that the sons and daughters of Ohio's truckdrivers and truck stop waitresses attend ohio and act like homers is no surprise. I understand there are some signs of intelligence in the student body, a small group grossly outnumbered by the bandwagon never-played-football 'fans' and offspring of the localyokels. President Gee is a satire of the entire situation. MSC outclasses that goofball by miles. Coach Hoke outclasses the 'senator' by miles. The academic offerings and alumni of the U of M are so far and above osu that it's not even a competition. That school has become a joke in many ways.