Ohio State study: 15% of "recovered/recovering" COVID athletes have myocarditis on MRI

Submitted by Malarkey on September 11th, 2020 at 2:55 PM


Key passage quoted below.

"Four of the athletes -- about 15% -- had signs of inflammation to the heart muscle. However, experts caution these results don't necessarily mean athletes who have recovered from COVID-19 are in grave danger.

The MRI findings described in the study are only one factor in a very complex process of diagnosing serious heart problems such as myocarditis. Doctors also use blood tests, symptoms and echocardiograms to guide their decisions. And in the study of these 26 college athletes, every one of these other findings were normal with the exception of mild viral symptoms in some athletes.

As pressure mounts to resume college athletics, all eyes are on the experts with one simple question: How will we know when it's safe for competitive athletes to return to sports?

"The athletes [in the study] had already recovered or had no symptoms," said Dr. Eugene Chung, a cardiac electrophysiologist at University of Michigan and author of A Game Plan for the Resumption of Sport and Exercise After Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Infection, also published in JAMA Cardiology earlier this year.

"But with those MRI findings and the uncertainty about what they mean, at this time, I would recommend at least three months of exercise limitation," said Dr. Chung, who was not involved in the Ohio State study."


September 11th, 2020 at 6:11 PM ^

OK just more Malarkey from "be afraid - be very afraid" crowd...

Dr Chris Hutchinson (former All American - Michigan), already addressed this and happens to have more skin in the game with his actual son, Aidan, a current U-M football standout DE.

Meanwhile we can tune into a dozen or so games this weekend, Pro or College, take your pick!

Enjoy being afraid !!


September 11th, 2020 at 9:29 PM ^

I'm in the "keep the kids safe" camp, but I'm also interested in how often the athletes get screened for myocarditis when not in a pandemic or recovering from COVID.  What's the "normal" incidence of myocarditis among college athletes? 

Again, I'm not interested in risking any of these kids lives, and the reality is, we still don't how this thing will affect us long term or even beyond the primary symptoms.  No matter what waivers are signed, there's a great deal of personal risk and liability hanging in the balance.  I'm okay finding something else to do this fall.