Offensive linemen and their relationship with food

Submitted by Jasper on May 9th, 2020 at 8:22 AM

The Ringer looks at offensive linemen, their need to gain weight, and food:

Both Runyans make an appearance. Recommended reading if only for the parts on what Joe Thomas ate. Sample:

"If he needed to gain weight, like when he was in training camp pulling two-a-days and burning more calories, he had a standard dessert fail-safe. Before bed, he’d polish off a quart of ice cream and a sleeve of Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies, then wash it down with a glass of whole milk."


S.G. Rice

May 9th, 2020 at 10:24 AM ^

I've always been an advocate of the plan the S&C staff gave Alex Mitchell:  Just eat a pizza.  Repeat often enough and you'll pack on the pounds.  Add beer for an additional boost.  Next thing you know you'll be planet-sized.


May 9th, 2020 at 12:56 PM ^

This reminds me of the stat of how only 15% of NFL players have elite athletes (ie played professional, D1, or internationally as a direct descendant)  Unlike basketball (50%) where 6'9 is purely genetic, I would be willing to bet that many NFL players are not very close to their natural, genetic size.  They showed a recently retired NFL lineman yesterday on a cooking show and he was a very svelte 240-ish. He's just one of many of the bigger guys in the league that lose weight as soon as they retire because it isn't healthy to be 310 and eat 7k calories in your 30s and 40s lol.


May 9th, 2020 at 2:33 PM ^

I remember in the 80s, OL ran about 270. Obviously you go back farther and the OL got smaller.  People aren't changing, it's the diets and the workout plans that are getting these guys this big.  That's why you look at Joe Thomas now and he has dropped like 80 lbs since he isn't trying to stay bulked up anymore.


May 11th, 2020 at 8:55 AM ^

There's a certain genetic aspect to it, I think.  Agreed, that most NFL-caliber offensive linemen are not natural and are more developed than grown, but it still takes a specific physiology that can allow a person to pack on 60 or 70 pounds of muscle and bulk and still be able to perform athletically.  Jake Long's don't just grow on trees....


September 21st, 2020 at 7:14 AM ^

There are many sites which can give you advice. However, there is a disadvantage about it. All these sites give common tips for everybody. If you need anything specific, you can ask a question on [SPAM LINK DELETED] and wait for the moment a proficient person will answer it. It doesn't take a long time


August 29th, 2021 at 11:37 AM ^

I want to say that the information is really interesting. My attitude to food is very good and I do not infringe on myself in anything. I believe that you should eat something that lifts your mood. For example, chocolate cheers me up. And that's why I adore him. My friends often [SPAM LINK DELETED] when I'm sad, and recently they gave me organic and insanely delicious chocolate. Now I will only order it.