New UofM Policy to address Freshmen Alcohol Abuse

Submitted by StephenRKass on

Just saw an article in the Daily about new UofM initiatives to curb alcohol abuse.

As part of the plan:

The University will also pilot a program to alert the parents of first-year-students who incur a second alcohol or drug violation.

Am curious the thoughts of the board on this new initiative. I personally feel kind of odd about this. Seems a bit intrusive and kind of a nanny state thing. Personally, I don't drink, other than a toast at a wedding or the like, so something like this wouldn't impact me. Still, isn't college a place where students start to learn to take ownership for their own behavior? Not sure what to think.


August 26th, 2015 at 2:52 PM ^

During Parent Orientation, we were told of the new policy. Personally, I'm okay with it. I don't need to know my daughter's every coming and going. What she does with her time is her business.

However, I am paying (handsomely) for her privilege to attend the University of Michigan void of student debt. She'll get a job for some extra spending and vacation money, but the education (from her point of view) is free and clear.

In exchange for that, I have certain expectations. One, is that she'll go to class, do her homework, and work hard. I don't expect her to graduate summa cum laude, and I don't need to see her grades first hand, but I'd better not see her on the next late night ad for Girls Gone Wild, either.

Likewise, even though she is an adult, she is still my daughter. If she gets caught a second time for MIP, then there's the possibility (likely or not) that she has a problem with alcohol or other intoxicants. It may also be that she's just not taking this college business seriously; in which case, we need to have a discussion of a totally different sort. Either way, it is absolutely my business as her father to make sure that she gets the help she needs to get back on track with her life.


August 26th, 2015 at 8:07 PM ^

It may be your responsibility to take care of your daughter, but it is your daughter's choice on how she wants to keep you informed. Yes, you are paying the tuition, but that is between you and your daughter. The University has no right to provide information about your daughter to you with out her consent, assuming she is 18 or older.


August 26th, 2015 at 2:53 PM ^

Telling mom and dad might work, but wouldn't it make more sense to institute academic probation for "conduct unbefitting of a University student." Of course if that was the case I know a whole lotta folks that would never had graduated. On second thought maybe the university should leave it in the hands of law enforcement for those who break the rules.

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August 26th, 2015 at 3:08 PM ^

I guess I'd like to know what constitutes a violation, particularly of minor in possession. And how rigorously will this be enforced? Probably that depends to some degree on the level of jerkitude among both students and security. It cuts both ways:  there are obnoxious drunks, and happy social drinkers who aren't bothering anyone. There are obnoxious police, and wise officers who know when to overlook a technical violation. (Think of cops at the hash bash.)

Back in the late 70's, things were quite a bit different. The drinking age was still 18. Kegs were still common in dorms. A vast cloud of sweet smelling marijuana haze was still common over the student section of the stadium. iirc, Markley used student fees to buy a couple pounds of weed for a dorm party. The bars and fraternities were crowded with students of all ages. I was never a heavy duty partier, and never got in trouble, but at the same time, there weren't a ton of rules, and you were expected to use common sense.


August 26th, 2015 at 3:08 PM ^

Given the timing, doesn't it seem likely that this is related to the nationwide push against sexual assaults on college campuses?  Every article or report on the topic seems to implicate binge drinking as a major factor in many assaults.  I doubt it's a coincidence that only now is the university stepping up its policing of student drinking.


August 26th, 2015 at 3:30 PM ^

Sneaking around/seducing the RAs and smuggling booze into the dorms like secret agent bootleggers was half the fun of college... or so I've heard


August 26th, 2015 at 4:24 PM ^

This is absolutely wrong and an invasion of privacy.

As a freshman, I had a couple infractions myself.  Deal with your own life, and notify your own family if that's what you choose to do.