NCAA Petitions Supreme Court to Stop College Athletes From Receiving Expanded Education Related Benefits

Submitted by HelloHeisman91 on August 5th, 2020 at 3:01 PM


The NCAA filed a petition Wednesday morning that asks the U.S. Supreme Court to press pause on allowing college athletes to receive an expanded number of education-related benefits.


In March 2019, a federal judge ruled that the NCAA's restrictions on what schools can provide to student-athletes violate antitrust laws. As part of that ruling, Judge Claudia Wilken ordered that schools should be allowed to provide an unlimited number of benefits to college athletes as long as those benefits are related to education. The NCAA appealed that decision in circuit court and lost earlier this year. Wednesday's filing indicates that the NCAA intends to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court as well.


August 5th, 2020 at 10:42 PM ^

I would have to assume there is a very legitimate reason for the NCAA to object to this (maintain antitrust exemptions?) that they would risk the blowback for objecting to “academic help” but I’m having a hard time figuring that reason out.  Sadly it’s probably more of the if we allow cream cheese for the bagel, what’s next unlimited steak!!!


At a minimum you would think there is some adult in the room yelling at them to “read the room!”


August 5th, 2020 at 11:25 PM ^

I've always been against additional payments/benefits to "student-athletes" because the reality is, this is just going to make inequality and the realities of getting paid hit much harder for 99% of them. There are really very few bankable stars out there, and those guys will be paid eventually.

College is a time where you learn to be a pro and get away with mistakes. If you're getting paid now, then you're just opened up yourself to the unfiltered jeers fans will give you because you're underperforming.

And anyway, the revenue the NCAA is making out there is not really on the backs of these kids, but the executives and marketing pros making it to be perceived as much with the exposure they make happen. It's just another football game on a weekend regardless.


August 6th, 2020 at 9:08 AM ^

"... you're just opened up yourself to the unfiltered jeers fans will give you because you're underperforming."

So you're saying that fans don't boo players now?  They most certainly do!  We've seen it at Michigan Stadium!!  They boo for almost any reason these days.  I will agree that college players should not be booed - unless they are playing dirty or otherwise cheating.

"...the revenue the NCAA is making out there is not really on the backs of these kids..."

HAA!!!  So much BS in this statement!  Yes, bigwig execs and marketing types are printing money - by using what the players do!  The money in this game isn't there without the game - ie: without the players.  How you can even think otherwise defies thought...