Moody Pro Day: 12 for 13 long of 63

Submitted by willirwin1778 on March 18th, 2023 at 10:30 AM

This may have already been discussed, so apologies if already mentioned, but Moody's pro day results were pretty significant.  His only miss (barely missed) on a 57 yarder.  And he made a 63 yarder going 12-13 on the day. 

Correct me if I am wrong, but I seem to remember early in his career Moody didn't get to kick long field goals, getting subbed for Nordin, and now his leg has massive power.  

If it was a Frosh/Soph leg strength issue, as a road biker myself, whatever Moody/Herbert/Michigan did was absolutely amazing and they should patent that.


March 18th, 2023 at 11:24 AM ^

I don't think Jake's issue with long kicks a few years ago had anything to do with his leg and everything to do with Nordin's leg.  Quinn Nordin had a Howitzer attached to his hip...  Unfortunately, it wasn't as accurate as we hoped it would be across the spectrum of possible kicks.  He was prone to mentally question himself at times.  #Collegekickers, right?

Jake Money, though, has no questioning ability - just ice.  Ask TCU about that 59-yarder to close out the first half...  Hope the Lions nab him in a middle round, he'd lock in nicely with the legacies of Eddie Murray and Jason Hanson!


March 18th, 2023 at 11:34 AM ^

Good point. I almost mentioned that Nordin's leg was highly touted, and maybe that was the case.  But Moody's distance is pushing record breaking now, so I am going to assume some massive gains in Strength and Conditioning too because he was a Frosh/Soph, and an 18 year old can't really have peak leg strength.    

60 yarders? In game (59) and practice (69)? NFL record is in that window.

Mike Damone

March 18th, 2023 at 12:55 PM ^

Eddie Murray, Jason Hanson, and Jake Moody - 3 legendary Detroit Lions kickers.

Has a nice ring to it.  Maybe Jake can even kick in a few playoff games for them, unlike the other two...