
January 30th, 2020 at 6:16 PM ^

What he did is real fucked up and it takes a sick human being to do it. He seems to be in a better place now and I hope he genuinely realizes what he did was sadistic. 


January 30th, 2020 at 7:23 PM ^

Ok.  Dog fighting is an incredibly cruel practice but I don’t think you can label him a “monster” for his participation in it. Dog fighting was an incredibly common practice in the US dating back to before the civil war.  Particularly in the South, for decades it wasn’t even a “hush-hush” thing, it was just part of the culture.  It is obviously something that people have come to realize is a cruel and uncivilized activity, but cultural norms are relative and change over time.

I can guarantee you that Michael Vick was raised with dog fighting as a typical recreational activity, a “blood sport,” yes, but not something that was engrained in him to find repulsive.  I’m very interested in this 30 for 30 to learn about his background and how he came to that place in his life to be involved in that type of nonsense.


January 30th, 2020 at 8:34 PM ^

People are products of their environment, and their ideas of what is right or wrong is engrained at a very young age.  What Vick did was wrong and he was punished for it.  You don’t know the man enough to call him a monster.


January 31st, 2020 at 8:57 AM ^

Yeah I'm going to say that is a terrible take.  If someone is raised with the wrong mindset that does not make it excusable.  That's like saying its okay to be racists because my grandparents were.  You have to take responsibility for your actions. 

For how those dogs were treated and how brutal the conditions were he should never have been welcomed into the league again.  It is never okay to treat an animal like that.


January 30th, 2020 at 7:14 PM ^

I've seen the ads running for it on ESPN channels all week, but will say the advertising has been less than other 30 for 30's. Part 1 will air tonight and Part 2 is on Feb. 6th.


January 30th, 2020 at 7:35 PM ^

@ijohnb:  The cultural norms regarding treatment of dogs throughout the US when Vick was a child were a long way from cultural norms during the Civil War. I am older than Vick and when I was a kid, dog fighting was viewed as sick, cruel, and immoral.


January 30th, 2020 at 10:22 PM ^

Thank you. And I grew up in neighborhoods that had dog fighting and no one who was a decent person I knew was fighting dogs. Fighting dogs is not about growing up around it, it’s about not caring about right and wrong. 

And Vick wasn’t just fighting dogs here and there, he had a large operation and was directly involved in absolutely sick activities to train and dispose of his several dozen dogs. He was torturing dogs on a daily basis. He was beating dogs, shocking dogs with cattle prods, taking dogs mouths shut and letting them be nailed to death. He’s scum and has never atoned. 


January 30th, 2020 at 10:33 PM ^

Really? That's news to me given that millions of healthy, adoptable dogs are killed every year in the shelters. How many million people do we put to death because they're homeless? Is that a reasonable solution to the homelessness problem?

I think what you meant to write is "tragically, this is complete bullshit."

Perkis-Size Me

January 30th, 2020 at 9:26 PM ^

What he did was incredibly fucked up, and as someone who’s had dogs in my family my whole life, it makes what he did even more stomach-churning. Fuck cultural norms. Dog fighting is about as low as it gets.

But I do believe people can grow and learn from their mistakes. And he appears to have done that. Not my place to forgive him, and I’ll sure as hell never forget. I do believe in second chances, and I hope he makes the most of what he’s been given.


January 30th, 2020 at 10:58 PM ^

To this day, everyone around him blames his friends that were bad influences on him. The bad apples. No one ever considered that maybe Vick was the bad apple, he was the guy that pushed all that BS. 
The zero sense of accountability by Vick is disturbing. He was at the center of a mess of illegal and immoral activity and it’s just business as usual for him. One things for certain, the animal cruelty laws in this country are woefully soft. 


January 31st, 2020 at 9:25 AM ^

What Vick did was horrible. He did pay a price. Ask my fiancé and she'll tell you 18 months is not enough for the crimes he committed. 

What he didn't need, what he doesn't need, is a media-backed redemption tour. Cancel-culture gets a bad reputation if you ask me. Bad people do not deserve the spot light. He fucked up, so he should go away & live his life like the rest of us. 


January 31st, 2020 at 11:58 AM ^

Fuck Vick, he does not deserve media propping him up. He used to be my favorite player as a kid, I had his jersey, etc but it takes a truly sadistic person to do the things he did. The stuff he did went beyond even the normal fucked up nature of dog fighting according to the facts of the case. Torturing/killing them in absolutely heinous ways and using other people's dogs as bait dogs as well. People who want to downplay with nonsense like you are valuing dog's lives too much, miss the point, the main point is how sadistic you have to be to do the things he did.