Billy Ray Valentine

August 11th, 2014 at 7:04 PM ^

Because it's heaven for those of us who enjoy some good, old-fahsioned gluttony? Pick your slice of heaven. Maybe it's the classic cheesesteak from Steve's Prince of Steaks:

... or the local favorite, the Roast Pork from Tony Dinic's:

... or a just the Chicken Cutlet Italian from Tony Luke's:

I bet Drake Harris and Channing Stribling would make weight real quick if Michigan ever makes the pilgrimage to the City of Brotherly Love.

Billy Ray Valentine

August 11th, 2014 at 7:39 PM ^

IMHO, the cheesesteak, while heavenly, has become a sandwich for everyone.  The roast pork, however, especially from Dinic's, remains as a "locals-only" favorite.  Few things can beat that sharp provolone, with some broccoli rabe or spinach, on top of the most tender thinly-sliced pork you've ever tasted -- all wrapped in a roll that traps ever last delcious morsel inside instead of falling apart.


Healthy?  No.  Absurdly delicious?  Hell yes!