Submitted by newfoundhbomb on

Hey i'm going to a game this year for the first time and i was wondering if most people stand during the game?  they usually show people standing on tv.  I want to be respectful to other fans but at the same time watch and enjoy the game myself. 

Section 1

August 27th, 2010 at 11:17 AM ^

to the ones in which MGoBlog posters, now 20 or 30 or 60 years old, fondly recall their first Michgan game as a little kid.  I can certainly do that; recalling the 1966 team.

And of course, if everybody had been standing back then, all that I would have seen was the back of a London Fog raincoat.

If, on September 4, the entire stadium of adults were to stand the entire game, no child will see the game, and no one who cannot stand for the entire game will be able to see all of it, either.

As always, there is an answer; if you want to stand and carouse, go to the Student sections.  Where, I submit, I have always enjoyed watching the spectacle.  Everybody in the student section, almost by definition, ought to be about 18-26 years old.  But far be it for me to check i.d.  

If you have graduated, and still want to act like a student, then fake your way into the student sections, or else grow up and get with the Athletic Department about getting yourself some season tickets in a top row, or suggest to Dave Brandon and Joe Parker that perhaps there ought to be a "Standing" section somewhere.  You'll almost certainly have to make it worth the Athletic Department's while to move that kind of proposal.  And I might suggest, a Preferred Seating Donation, much like the ones that other ticket holders have been paying for years, to be able to enjoy the games the way that they'd like to.

I really don't mind saying, either, that insofar as the business of standing for the entire game is a tradtion that came to fruition at Notre Dame, and perhaps drawn from the English Premier Division football league, all I can say is "fuck that."  Any Notre Dame tradtion is a good one to avoid.

Section 1

August 27th, 2010 at 4:45 PM ^

and enjoy a great game, to get escorted out by an usher and AA police just becuase you were acting like a jerk.

And really, to be honest, I don't much mind standing, myself.  I walk 18 holes on the golf course regularly.  A football game is pretty easy for me.  So I won't ever worry about a view of your ass.  Unless perhaps I am kicking it.

03 Blue 07

August 27th, 2010 at 11:41 AM ^

1. First of all, I like the all caps. Unintentional humor. As others have said, you're already getting in the right mindset with the yelling.

2. The "stand vs. 'down in front'" debate has been a point of contention on this site over the past few years. Generally speaking, my point of view (which I've advocated here before, but it was probably a year ago, and I'm at work), is that you should stand whenever you want. Period. The people who can no longer stand (the "blue hairs" as they're called) should either sit in the handicapped area, or the new club seats. HOWEVER, be forewarned that my strong stance on this is in the minority, and this is an issue where there doesn't seem to be a clear "accepted majority opinion," other than "stand as much as you can, wait until people behind you complain, try to get them to stand, and then deal with it as you see fit." It also depends where you're sitting. If it's between the 30's, the people who are asking you to sit down are likely people who have been going to the game in the same season tickets for 30+ years. It's a dilemma, because on the one hand, you respect that loyalty and tradition, but on the other hand (from my point of view), you want to be an active spectator and try to impact the game.

Like I said, stand as much as you can, try to get others to stand, and then, if they won't...stand until their abuse/bitching makes you feel guilty to the point of sitting, or until they stop bitching. And also keep in mind that after big plays and stuff, everyone stands.

Also note: The student section stands the entire game. And there are pockets near the student section that seem to stand more than the rest of the stadium. Either way, yell your head off, stand as much as is socially allowable/you can bear, and be the most active and intense (but not obnoxious/cursing/being a general loudmouth douchebag) as you can.


August 27th, 2010 at 1:57 PM ^

when you are at the game, go ahead and hit that CAPS LOCK button.  You want to be as loud as possible.

However, when creating the title of a thread, maybe just use the shift key to capitalize the first letter of the sentence or the first letter in each word.