I'm really getting sick of..

Submitted by R_mahorn1974 on
I'm really getting sick of everyone bitching at everyone about rediculous things. WHO GIVES A F***!!!. Just talk sports/Michigan!! If you don't like someones thread, DON'T REPLY TO IT. Seriously, this is so childish and stupid. Why does everyone try to act hard on the computer? People correcting others grammar is funny to me. Remember beingg on AIM/AOL. Spelling u(you), wud(would), LOL(laugh out laid/ HAHA). Who cares if that mr. stevens or w/e is Mcfarlin, do you want a cookie for finding out? What if it isn't him? Lots of people are alike you know. If people try and talk smack to me on this thread, jokes are on you. Meet me face to face and say it, or do you not go in public? Also, chances are I probably won't even read this thread again. I have a life... Just letting 85% of you on here are childish, immature, etc. STOP JUDGING. Maybe its because talking shit on computer makes you feel good? Idon't know..... JUST STOP!!!!!! PS. I thought Michigan fans were supposed to be classy? ACT THAT WAY. Support each other, were all wolverine fans. GO BLUE.


May 10th, 2009 at 5:16 PM ^

Albeit with slightly less profanity, I am also voicing my opinion that we don't all need to point out that someone is wrong. Give attention to people who deserve it; ignore those who don't.

Braylon Edwards

May 10th, 2009 at 5:26 PM ^

most of the time the remarks are sarcastic, at least from me they are. And you seem to be upset with some people's threads, so listen to your own logic and don't say anything??


May 10th, 2009 at 5:31 PM ^

"If people try and talk smack to me on this thread, jokes are on you. Meet me face to face and say it, or do you not go in public? Also, chances are I probably won't even read this thread again. I have a life..." This is perhaps the lamest paragraph I've read on this site.


May 10th, 2009 at 5:44 PM ^

Just don't reply to the asinine threads that are obviously posted by 14 year olds. Ignore them and they will go away.


May 10th, 2009 at 7:36 PM ^

Is this thread a joke or not? Either way it's hilarious. So much mystery on the board these past few days! Edit: I'm going against the crowd with my gut on this, it has to be a joke. Nobody could possibly write "just stop" in all caps and six, count 'em, six exclamation marks and be entirely serious... right?


May 10th, 2009 at 7:29 PM ^

I'm sorry, now you are just asking for it. I was going to do this after I made some idiot moves, but I kept my mouth shut and chalked it up to experience. Please, just stop.


May 10th, 2009 at 7:35 PM ^

I like to tell people I "retired undefeated" from "snapping" or "verbal volleyball." The reason I mention this is to let everyone here know that I do have a sense of humor and I do understand what it is like in a social circle where repartee is normal and accepted. In other words, I understand that a lot of the criticism here may feel the same as it would be in a bar or partying at someone's house. However, the internet is a public forum and stuff that would be OK in a frat house among friends takes on a much more negative context online. For example, if I am partying with someone, get a big smile on my face, and say "[Bleep] you, moron: that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard anyone say in my life," there is a tacit understanding among friends that the behavior is fine, because I'm just "a friend giving you BS." If I say the same thing to someone I don't know as a response to a post, though, there is usually no tacit understanding between friends, and the person has no way of knowing whether I am giving "good natured BS" or if I am serious. And I have not been given any permission, tacit or otherwise, to give that person BS, anyway. So, that person would have every right to think I was a total [bleep] for it. I honestly try not to even read threads after I have posted, because so many responses are negative and I don't want to get into a mud-slinging match with anyone here. Also, since Brian announced that this blog is his fulltime gig, I really try hard to behave in a way that won't chase any possible readers away. I would imagine that everyone here knows that the financial health of any blog is largely dependent, among other things, on traffic. So, I try not to post things that would make any UM fan feel unwelcome here. Am I perfect at it? Of course not. I am as guilty of allowing my buttons to be pushed as anyone else. Essentially, though, it would be really nice to be able to post and know that those who disagree with me understand that my opinion counts just as much as theirs does, and that nobody would flame me for having the nerve to not agree with their POV. Because, really, all of our opinions are equal. Some posters here are more educated in the intricicies of the game, like the coaches we have here, but nobody is any better than anyone else, nor should they hold others in comtempt for the simple "crime" of having a dissenting opinion. After all, diverse opinions are the raison d'etre for having a discussion, aren't they? I think that many of us need to respect each other a lot more and remember that we are all here because we are UM fans. Everyone here (except trolls) cares enough about UM sports to find Mgoblog and post. Why can't we just be tolerant of each other? Communities like this work a lot better if people try to see each other as friends. If, for example, someone does a duplicate post and you don't like duplicate posts, why on earth would you respond to it or read it? Surely anyone here can see the inherent irony of ten to twenty posts that whine about one post being a "waste of time." If a newbie is here and commits a social "faux pas," wouldn't a gentle reminder be a lot nicer than a bunch of flaming that may chase away a potential reader and those he might have referred here forever? I could find more examples, but I really don't need to. Everyone here is intelligent enough to understand when they are being nice to someone and when they are being mean. To me, it comes down to one question: Is it really that much of an inconvenience to be nice to fellow UM fans and make them feel like a welcome part of a fun, thriving community?


May 10th, 2009 at 7:46 PM ^

Call me an asshole, but the reason I consider this a fun and thriving community is that generally uninformed and unsophisticated posts aren't tolerated. This allows for much better discussion. If I want a board where everyone respects each other even if their posts are always mindless drivel I'll go to the Scout free board.


May 10th, 2009 at 8:35 PM ^

I agree. There is supposed to be a certain amount of discretion when it comes to replies. People that say whatever mindless nonsense they feel like spouting get called out. That's how this board should work, it keeps facts rather than stupid assertions as the focus

Blue Durham

May 11th, 2009 at 5:01 PM ^

I would rather encourage people here to excel to a higher standard (both in content and how it is presented) than reduce the blog to its lowest common denominator. Anyone who is too lazy to check to see what has already been posted and put it in proper English, probably hasn't put much effort into their thoughts as well. My reading of this blog bears this out. And if we didn't have those "70 post flame fests" over grammar and re-posted news (which we haven't had in some time) we would now be plagued by 10+ announcements over each and every signing of a new recruit, all written in a form more representative of a high school drop out than a top university. I don't see how this would help the blog.


May 11th, 2009 at 5:33 PM ^

What astounds me about the threads over grammar and re-posted news is that it takes two sides to develop the argument into 70+ comments. That means there are people taking the time and effort to argue why grammar and re-posts shouldn’t matter, and why the grammar/posting police are in the wrong. If those people put half as much effort into their posts as they do arguing in favor of illiteracy and apathy, we would see far fewer of those 70+ comment flame wars, and better overall content on MGoBoard. People can complain about the grammar/posting police as much as they want, but it takes two sides to take those threads that far. I’m not a huge grammarian as my own grammar is not gramtastic, but if I have to choose between the two sides, I’ll always side against ignorance and indifference even if it means siding in favor of picking nits.

Blue Durham

May 11th, 2009 at 8:57 PM ^

and depend greatly on spell checker. I have been corrected here on this blog, and I take the time to re-read my posts. As I have said before, nobody here is so perfect that they can't learn from other posters here. I think that in expecting the best from people, they often rise to the occasion, sometimes despite their resistance. Then they take more pride in their work (or in this case, posts). They are more invested in them. Regarding the "nit-picking" of posters' grammar, I think that, without getting political, there is a Rudy Giulani, broken window, thing going on. By "cracking down" on the small grammatical errors, we may tend to avoid the grammatical holocausts. The end result will be a better blog with better writers. And that is a good thing all around.


May 10th, 2009 at 8:06 PM ^

I second Tater, for whatever it's worth. Brian has indicated that he's working on some self-policing features to be rolled out this summer. Hopefully that will help the tone of the blog, but until then, I'm sure we'll only see more of the same...


May 10th, 2009 at 8:19 PM ^

I, for one, treat this board like a party setting. It's fun to talk smack knowing you're doing it to another Michigan fan. It's like arguing with your brother. It's no big deal until someone else tries to pick on him. Then the infighting ceases to matter and you're at each others' defense. It's part of the accountability of the whole thing. Let's be honest, and correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the cream of the crop when it comes to Michigan boards. If someone comes with something irrational or idiotic they aren't being flamed by some other team's fans; they're being checked by Michigan fans with enough know to post here in the first place. Furthermore, if someone registers/posts without reading or researching this board, they deserve anything and everything they get IMO. If I were to say something like "Sure Mike Hart was pretty good, but I would have rather seen Underwood get a few more touches first..." I would expect to get slammed by knowledgeable, rational Michigan fans who could give me realistic reasons why I was wrong. Or if I were to ask, say, "Why did Mike Hart get drafted so late?" and got reasonable, rational, logical responses I would say "Oh, thank you." and go on my way. Others aren't this adept and keep driving uninformed irrational points into the ground until it borders on trolling regardless of their original intentions. Having said that, I like it just the way it is here. People have been pissed at me and flamed me one day, and agreed with me and joked the next. It's situationally dependent and only for people adjusted enough to accept it. If not, Scout and MLive are always open.


May 11th, 2009 at 7:29 AM ^

I don't hold you in comtempt, just contempt. Also, and this has been hashed and re-hashed over and beaten to death w/ a stick. The reason this here blog has been a bastion of sanity amid the swirling shitstorm that is the interweb, is its self-policing nature. Flame on.


May 10th, 2009 at 8:57 PM ^

Some things deserve to be ridiculed, albeit, gently. I don't fully know the extent, but from reading threads, I can sense that some of you know each other in "real" life, and so feel more free to blast someone you know. I guess I don't mind strong disagreement, but I don't much care for lots of "eff this, eff you, etc." There's a difference between saying "you're an effin moron." and "that's a stupid argument." Attack and ridicule the argument, not the person. I like to read posts that are well written, but don't consider myself grammar police. Some of the OT posts get old, but as long as the headers are good, I can just skip them. Still love this board.


May 10th, 2009 at 9:50 PM ^

I don't want us to be a bunch of pussies agreeing with everything everyone says, but do we need to start attacking people every chance we get? Just tone it down a little.


May 11th, 2009 at 12:31 AM ^

Fuck everyone of those 85%! Oh yeah i heard this Denard kid is fast , Mr. Stevens is McFarlin (oh yeah he's back) We need to recruit in-state better and this untapped gold mine on the West Side,and doesn't RR know we need Defense whats with all the receivers?! MGOEDO: The pictures man the Pictures! Not Fail (would that be pass?)

Elno Lewis

May 11th, 2009 at 9:22 AM ^

I quit going to church because I was tired of being preached to. And now I come here and get preached to. this is Madness I tell you. I don't care what ANYONE puts on this blog--there are always a few pearls here and there and even the stupid stuff is entertaining. I have a serious job and need some stupidity to stave off sanity. Yeah? How many portajohns have you cleaned in your lifetime? Potato Salad.


May 11th, 2009 at 11:15 AM ^

I love this site and come here everyday, lots of times more than one time everyday. I got blasted a while ago about putting in a post that was already in. I got a little mad about it at first but then it dawned on me that I was getting mad over people that I don't know and probably will never meet talking a little bit of samck. I let the whole thing roll off of me like water off of a duck's back and I moved on. I figure if people want to bash me over something like that, that is their business and I don't have to try to befriend them. I think the over-policing of grammar gets a little absurd but I will admit when I read a post that is littered with bad grammar I notice it I just do not say anything about it. I figure if they have not learned any better by now I will probably not make enough of an impact in their life anyway to change them anyway. GO BLUE!!!!!!!!