HTTV 2018? Kickstarter?

Submitted by MGoVoice on

Been waiting for that annual spring right side of the screen kickstarter to pop up to help fund HTTV 2018, but yet nothing is there.  

I've ready pieces here and there about articles being written and editing being done but nothing more.

In past years the kickstarter will have already been funded by this time and maybe even a preview of what's to come along with a digital version being available.

Anyone else curious?  Did I miss the whole thing?  Are Brian, Seth, Ace and crew waiting to mash the go live button for the new site to coincide with HTTV 2018 Kickstarter roll out?

This will go up and 1 hour later the kickstarter will have begun and this post will be moot.


June 4th, 2018 at 11:19 AM ^

Oh I know, no worries.

I think it'll be up because I think I remember Seth saying something along the lines of they're trying to get everyone in town for the launch of something? Or at least all hands on deck for the launch.  Wouldn't surprise me if the site launches after everyone has they're HTTV submissions in so they don't have to worry about them.



June 4th, 2018 at 11:13 AM ^

Unrelated but we should make a Kickstarter to raise money for Beilein to make him stay. I realize our Athletic Department can pay for it, but let's just give him everything we have to be safe. 


June 4th, 2018 at 11:18 AM ^

I have also heard rumblings that the articles and so forth are well underway. My question, since there has been no Kickstarter at this late juncture, is whether or not it is digital-only this year then. A print one would be nice, but it seems like the print version has always run into some sort of fiasco at various points in the process through the years.

I am just guessing, and I am probably wrong, but it does seem like there will be one in some form, if I am putting the pieces from Twitter together correctly. 

Digme 71

June 4th, 2018 at 11:26 AM ^

the end of summer is a bust without 1) anticipating HTTV

                                                          2) recieving it

                                                          3) reading it

                                                          4) sending it to my daughter '09




June 5th, 2018 at 7:14 PM ^

I'm way too excited about the kickstarter and HTTV, and I want to upvote a bunch of people in this thread, but I can't figure out how.  Well, crap.  Consider yourselves upvoted!