Hinton’s Parent Group Letter and Questions for NCAA

Submitted by HelloHeisman91 on July 8th, 2020 at 9:52 AM

I think it’s been mentioned on the board before that Chris Hinton’s parents are leading a group of parents with Covid concerns and they have recently sent a letter to the NCAA that contains 22 questions that they would like answers for regarding how to safely return to playing football.  I don’t think they have any ridiculous questions but it does provide some insight into how much detail a plan to play is going to have to have to make some players parents comfortable.  






  1. Will our conference come up with uniform requirements for all schools to adhere to regarding COVID?
  2. What COVID reporting will be published, and how often? Will parents know the number of positives on their team?
  3. What does COVID testing regimen look like? What specific test is being used and how often will players be tested?
  4. If weekly, then will it be on the same day each week? What day?
  5. How are you going to quarantine players and students living on and off campus who return to campus testing positive for COVID?
  6. If a player has antibodies, will they be tested on the same schedules as the rest of the team?
  7. Do you plan to test all football personnel including coaches, administrators, nutrition staff and all others that will be in contact with the players weekly as well?
  8. What additional education and training is required for the football staff?
  9. What is your plan for contact tracing, especially with respect to athletes living off campus?
  10. Is there a sanitation protocol and cleaning schedule for campus and off-campus housing?
  11. What are the ICU capacities at the local hospital?
  12. If local hospitals are at capacity, where does an athlete go for in-patient car, if needed?
  13. When a player tests positive, what’s the protocol for them to return to “football" after recovering?
  14. Will an athlete testing positive receive cardiovascular/lung testing before they return to workouts?
  15. What academic accommodations will be made to student athletes who test positive?
  16. MASKS: will players/coaches/referees/staff wear them during practice?
  17. What is being done to create PPE to limit the potential spread during the games? (changing the format of the huddle, masks that don't restrict air flow, shields that extend lower on the helmet?)
  18. What compliance and reporting surveillance mechanisms will be in place, and what body will be authorized for this oversight and enforcement?
  19. Who is in charge of oversight when positive cases begin to increase? Who makes the decision of when to stop practices?
  20. Will all medical expenses related to COVID be covered?
  21. Will our University implement insurance coverage both short and long term?
  22. Will players be given the option to abstain from the season while retaining their scholarship benefit and eligibility?