Has anyone noticed that there is no longer an audio link to the football brodcasts on mgoblue.com now?

Submitted by littlebrownjug on
Hello MGoBlog: I do not live in BTN country, and I have been resigned to the fact that I will not be able to watch most of the games this year. What I wanted to ask is whether I am alone in finding that the Michigan athletic department has pulled the audio link to its Michigan football broadcasts (with Brandy and Beckman) in the last couple of weeks? Why did they do this, and how do I find an audio link? I know that BTN cuts off all streaming of video, but I was unaware that it extended to audio as well. Thanks, Little Brown Jug


November 14th, 2009 at 11:56 AM ^

Last week I listened to the game on the audio link from mgoblue.com. Yep, the entire game. I had also done so for the Eastern game. I am now listening to Frank Beckman just before the game. However, I had tried to listen to another game (probably the MSU game) from the mgoblue.com link--but could not find it. So what's going on? It could be user error, I admit. It could also be related to licensing or bandwidth issues. For instance, the early users might get on while there's enough bandwidth or licenses, but not the later users, so they remove the link.