Harbaugh insights from former neighbors

Submitted by Sinsoftheschafer on

As the adrenaline of the Harbaugh hiring has finally worn off and we're left with a subpar basketball season and a mercurial hockey team -- I've found there is a dearth of content.  In that vein (i.e. any news is worthy news), I thought I'd share this little tidbit I got at work yesterday:

My boss lives in the same area as Harbaugh used to in the Bay Area (hills west of 280 around Palo Alto).  He runs in the CEO crowd down there (cocktail parties, 3 martini lunches at the Woodside pub, etc.).  About 6 months ago, he was invited to a coktail party at Harbaugh's next door neighbors's house (someone he knows through this network).  JH comes along to the party as well.  What my boss notices is that he brings all of the 49ers rookies with him to the cocktail party -- you can't miss pro football players in that crowd.  So he asks JH's neighbor: why does JH bring rookies to a cocktail party -- not the most obvious thing to do.  

The reasoning is thus: When players are new to the league, JH wants to make sure they don't want to get into too much trouble.  Rather than give them lectures about behavior, he just has them go with him to all his social functions so he can keep an eye on them.  He'll do this until he's convinced they're not going to get into trouble and he's drilled into their head how to behave off the field.  Obviously not foolproof (see: 49ers off field issues this year) but I thought it showed his dedication.  He literally lives his team to the point that he takes them everywhere he goes.  Feel a little sorry for his wife (hey honey, do you mind if I bring 7 guys with us on date night), but you have to love the all encompassing dedication to his craft.


Hotel Putingrad

January 20th, 2015 at 8:22 PM ^

I don't think it was to keep them out of trouble per se but more to give them a new type of social experience. sounds like fun to me, though I'm pretty sure my CEO is not fun at parties.


January 20th, 2015 at 9:57 PM ^

Yeah, I'm not sure a cocktail party with a bunch of CEOs and their wives is really the kind of setting where 22 year olds are most likely to get in trouble or learn how to stay out of trouble.  Then again, maybe the party was like Blake Edwards' The Party and one of the players is like the Peter Sellers character.

Maized and Confused

January 20th, 2015 at 10:39 PM ^

I'm not buying, sorry. If you want to keep an eye on your rookies, you assign an assistant to keep an eye on them; You don't make your rookies tag along to cocktail parties. You can't do this with college kids anyways. I'm not going to say this whole story is fabricated, but maybe he wanted to welcome his rookies with a nice party and made a joke about why they were there? He's dedicated and motivated and I'm extremely excited about that. Let's not make it weird

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January 21st, 2015 at 1:45 AM ^

Or maybe this neighbor is just a Techie Dork who invited the Head Coach over for one of his douchey parties and Coach is all like, "Hey ...no way am I walking over to DorkLord's party ...you guys are coming with me and you Rooks have no choice!!"


A guy who also knows a guy who lived is Harbaugh's old neighborhood too and he made his coin in BioTech