Fultbol: FIFA spends $26M for movie, makes $918 in U.S.

Submitted by superstringer on

Seriously, you can't make this stuff up.

FIFA spent $26M to make a movie about itself -- really, about Sepp Blatter and his cronies -- to tell us what wonderful things they have done for soccer and our planet.

And its total take in U.S. theatres:  $918.  Makes it the worst-performing actual movie in US history.  No, I didn't forget to type a 'K" after 918.  That's $918, not $918,000, and certainly not $918,000,000.  It's $918.  Total.


Love the tidbits in this story:

-- Original title, "Men of Legend."  !!!!  Seriously???  That's what they think of themselves?

-- There was actually a musical about vampires.  Why didn't I know that?

-- Given the take at the box office in Russia, it appears this was one of the better movies available to see there this weekend.  I guess Avengers 2 didn't translate well, or something.  (I took Russian for a year and a half as an undergrad at UM -- Professor Eagle, anyone? -- and I believe the correct translation of "Ultron" in Russian is "Putin," so, that could be an issue.)


June 18th, 2015 at 6:07 PM ^

It's hilarious how they make the English out to be cartoony bigots ( in an ironically bigoted way, no less) and try to pretend 1/3 of FIFA's history, when 3 different FIFA presidents were from England, never happened.