Formatting questions

Submitted by Spread Attack on
Anybody know anything about how to make diary entries look pretty? I'm most curious about how to bold things, create bullets, make regular text into links, and any other nifty gadgets you people more familiar with this stuff might know of. Maybe Brian posted a link at somepoint with this stuff that I just missed and can't seem to find. Excuse my stupidity, I've never really tried writing content on a blog. Thanks in advance for any pointers!


February 17th, 2009 at 11:27 PM ^

You will need to learn some basic HTML tags. HTML tags begin with " >" and end with " / >" (without the quotes or spaces). For instance if I want to make something bold Use " b >" before what you want to be bold and " / b >" to quit bolding. Other examples: use 'sup' and 'i' similarly for superscript and italics respectively. For complicated things like the image tag, google an HTML tutorial site.

Six Zero

February 18th, 2009 at 12:21 PM ^

I've found that not all HTML works within the boundaries of MgoBlog entries. For example, it seems to me that special characters (non-breaking spaces, etc) are not recognized.