Current MGOBLOG Banner

Submitted by anup414 on
With two days before the season opener against Utah, I am trying to take everything I can in before I leave for Ann Arbor. I've probably been on your blog and the others that this one links to for more hours than I've been awake. I need to ask you this question just so I know I am not seeing things. Remember the Banner contest? Well lets go back to July 1, 2008, Battle 2 between Jason Minor and Yvegni. Jason Minor had the winning banner and Yvegni had the one with the Michigan player in his helmet up close with the red eyes. Did you combine the winning banner with Yvegni's and put the red eyes on the player who's head is below and slightly to the left of the M in "M GO BLOG"? (If the question was asked before, sorry - I just needed to know)

chitownblue (not verified)

August 29th, 2008 at 7:57 AM ^

More likely, I think, is that Jason put it in as a little tribute to Yvgeni's banner.